Free Research Paper On Globalization Of McDonalds

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Company, Strategy, Business, Food, Concept, Culture, Leadership, Fast Food

Pages: 7

Words: 1925

Published: 2021/01/29


How many times do you think you have eaten fast food this month? According to Ritzer, the consumption of fast food has risen considerably 500 percent since the 1970s and today it pervades almost every segment of the society, including some of the cafeterias of public schools. The globalization of McDonalds is fueled by the McDonaldization of the society. The McDonaldization of the society contains four primal dimensions, including calculability, control, predictability, and efficiency. These dimensions are the key aspects contributing to the globalization of McDonalds. For my research, I am going to analyze various secondary literary materials, including texts such as books and articles that talks about the globalization of McDonalds. In order to have accurate information for analysis of my research, I will avoid information from texts dating more than fifteen years from now. The reason for taking this approach is so that I can have recent information, which will be essential in my research. Therefore, for this research, I believe that McDonald’s is a successfully globalized company with the ability to adapt to a variety of cultures and market its brands strategically.
McDonalds employs various strategies that facilitate the success of the company. The strategies for the company are diversified in various aspects. Nevertheless, the company has two strategic factors that contribute to its success. They include the strategies of success and global representation in a credible way. The strategies for success encompass the leadership strategies that promote operational and managerial success (Caldwell 25). On the other hand, the global representation in a credible way encompasses the services in the McDonalds restaurants and the acceptance of the products, services, and concepts of McDonalds McDonaldization in countries globally.
McDonalds has different strategies for success. One of these significant approaches and strategies is the employment of the leadership strategies that promote its operations. Some of these leadership strategies encompass the concepts of integrity, effective and efficient leadership, teamwork, relationship building, and communication (Curtis 10). With these strategies, McDonalds aims to attain stellar results in its operations. First, the concept of teamwork is important at McDonalds. Teamwork means that the leadership structure at McDonalds is team-based. For this reason, there is efficiency and effectiveness in the operations because of the integration of ideas from both the management and the employees. This form of leadership structure also facilitates the solving of organizational challenges.
Leadership effectiveness and efficiency at McDonalds involves the managerial skills of the top management. As such, the leadership and management of the company advocate for innovative and strategic leadership that will promote the organizational objectives. Leadership at the company is also based on the principles of accountability and transparency (Curtis 23). That is; the leaders are urged to uphold these characters to promote the operations and business functions of the organization. The leadership effectiveness at McDonalds calls for the capacity of the management to think critically in meeting the needs of the company through effective implementation and execution of policies in various aspects of the company.
Integrity is another concept of the strategies. Integrity promotes the elements of honesty and ethical behavior in the company. The management, as well as the employees of McDonalds, is required to employ this virtue, which is a strategy of the company to promote goodwill in operations, as well as the service to the customers. Communication is another important element of the strategies (Curtis 29). Communication is important because it enables solving problems through clarification of issues. It5 also prevents issues of misunderstanding of information. As such, the company ensures that the communication flow in the company is effective. Relationship building involves the promoting of healthy relationships between the management and the employees as well as the relationship between the employees and the customers. Healthy relationship fosters understanding and promotes company commitment. The company also maintains pace with the traditions and customs of the organization and prevents these traditions from becoming constraints. Lastly, the company serves different food in different countries and regions, which promotes diversity.
The company is a representative of the country in the global sector in a credible approach. That is; the company serves more than 47 million individuals around the world on a daily basis (Facella and Genn 11). Additionally, the acceptance of McDonalds outside the United States is more than the inside. For this reason, the company capitalizes on the global field where the acceptance rate is considerably high.
McDonalds has an elemental foundation of marketing strategies. The company understands that marketing is important for its success. For this reason, it prioritizes on marketing in its business operations. The marketing department of McDonalds is involved with the gaining of the confidence of the customers. The company has approaches that ensure that the customers are satisfied with the products, as well as the services offered to them. In order to accomplish this, the company employs the fours marketing strategies, including place, product, promotion, and price (Facella and Genn 29). The company makes efforts to integrate these 4Ps into its operations. Under the product or service concept, the company identifies the wants and the preferences of the customers in terms of its products and services. After the identification, the company determines which of the needs to satisfy.
Under the same concept, the company identifies the features that it has or needs to acquire these needs. Identification of the features encompasses an analysis of the features missed out or the inclusion of costly elements that the consumers are not likely to use. Additionally, there is an identification of how the consumers will use the products or will receive the service. The aspects that promote the effectiveness of this strategy include the name, the brand, which, in this case, is McDonalds, and the differentiation, which is the concept of fast foods in the food industry. The second marketing element is the place. For this concept, the company identifies the location of the product or service.
The concept of place encompasses the issue of globalization. With this strategy, the company has managed to set up various operational restaurants across the world. The place concept defines the distribution channel across the regions of operation, and the sales forces required if necessary. In order to make this strategy effective, the company identifies the actions of the competitors as regards the setting up of convenient locations of operation (Pollitt 10). Price is another concept, and it encompasses the value of the service of product to the customers. Additionally, it enables the company to establish various price points for the services and products in different regions. Price also includes the discounts offered on the various services and products. Lastly, the company focuses on promotion, which mainly involves the type of advertising of the company.
The concept of McDonaldization has been of great influence on individuals and other restaurants. Many of the fast food industries are adopting marketing strategies similar to those of McDonalds. As such, it is evident that the company has a great influence on the people as well as the restaurants. The logo of McDonalds is familiar in most of the countries and cities worldwide as a marketing strategy for promotion. Other restaurants are doing the same as well. The concept of transition is important in the sense that marketing could be tricky with various forms of emotions to break the routine of the cultures. As such, the company has a well-established management system that ensures the effectiveness of the marketing strategies.
It has been argued that the company has failed to satisfy other cultures abroad. This failure has been elemental for the company to reevaluate its operations and strategies as regards the concepts of satisfying the needs of these cultures through differentiation. In order to shift its failure into success, the company invested in market research (Pollitt 11). The aim of this research was to identify all the aspects that would promote its operations in the cultures abroad. In order to do so, the company conducted extensive research in each of the 4Ps of marketing. This research was elemental because it enabled the company to identify the specific needs of the individuals and the cultures in each of its operations abroad. Differentiation is another concept that enabled the company to shift its failure into success.
The company differentiated its operations, products and services with reference to its competitors. The concept of fast foods was a differentiation in the food industry. Additionally, the company adopted a distinct avenue of management and leadership, which encompassed leadership strategies. These strategies were important because they promoted the concepts of teamwork, integrity, effective and efficient leadership, and relationship building, which enabled it to cope with different situations in its environments.
The company targeted different cultures in its operations. One of the main aims of the company is to promote globalization in its operations and business functions. For this reason, it embarked on strategies that would promote the achievement of this objective (Ritzer 21). The reason behind the adoption of the strategy was that since the company had differentiated its operations, it was significant to allow the changes to transform significantly across the operations in different cultures around the world. This target on cultures would also influence the objectivity of individuals in these cultures towards the operations, the products, and services of the company. Consequently, the company managed to influence these cultures.
McDonalds has influenced the lifestyle of individuals in the societies or regions where it established operations. This influence is in terms of the consumer buying behavior concerning the fast foods. With the expansion in the urban regions and the development of many learning, institutions have led to the increase in consumers’ preference for the fast foods. The increase in the urban regions has led to the creation of job opportunities (Ritzer 35). For this reason, many people spend most of their time at the workplaces and the education institutions. As such, they have little time for preparing meals, which makes the fast foods an essential alternative. Nevertheless, the concepts of fast foods have been met with various reactions from the society.
There are individuals in the societies who advocate for the fast foods because of the deemed benefits. These people suggest that the concept of fast food, which is an elemental culture in the food industry, is an essential alternative as regards time saving, especially when individuals spend much time in the workplaces and learning institutions. Some individuals consider it important in the sense that it creates a pace society, which has enabled individuals to get what they require quickly and easily. Others argue that it limits the duties and opportunities of employees and outsources the jobs in the society.
In summary, The McDonaldization of the society is an element and concept coined by George Ritzer, a sociologist. This concept refers to the various processes and approaches through which the aspects of fast food industries become dominant in almost every area of the society in a virtual approach. The fast food industries and restaurants offer alternatives to labor-intensive as well as home-cooked meals. The globalization of McDonalds has been elemental in the creation and development of the fast food industry in societies. It has been elemental in influencing cultures to adopt various measures of promoting the McDonaldization of society. The company has also influenced other companies and restaurants to employ effective measures of marketing and leadership to promote organizational success. As such, McDonalds has been an important company in the food industry. The concept of fast foods, introduced by the McDonald’s has been accepted globally. Most food industries in the world today are adopting this concept and implementing it in their operational business.

Works Cited

Caldwell, Melissa L. "The McDonaldization of Society." Food, Culture and Society: An International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research (2010): n. pag. Print.
Curtis, James R. "McDonald's Abroad: Outposts of American Culture." Journal of Geography (1982): n. pag. Print.
Facella, Paul, and Adina M. Genn. Everything I Know About Business I Learned at Mcdonald's: The 7 Leadership Principles That Drive Break Out Success. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2009. Print.
Pollitt, David. "Making Education and Training Work: Case Studies of Good Practice." (2000): Print.
Ritzer, George. "The "McDonaldization" of Society." The Journal of American Culture (2007): n. pag. Print.
Ritzer, George. "The Weberian Theory of Rationalization and the McDonaldization of Contemporary Society." Print.

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