Essay On Environmental Science
Type of paper: Essay
Topic: Pollution, Atmosphere, Air, City, Environment, Industry, Air Pollution, Issue
Pages: 3
Words: 825
Published: 2020/12/08
Atmospheric pollution is one of the most hazardous environmental issues, which is widespread in almost all the countries of the world. It is not only a major issue in the developed countries, but also the growing urban regions of the developing countries. Atmospheric pollution refers to the accumulation of dust, smoke, vapor, fumes and gas in the air in harmful quantities, which proves fatal to the human, plants and wildlife. Atmospheric pollution results in poor air quality due to stagnant air conditions, chemicals from the factories and smoke emitted from the vehicles . Atmospheric pollution is an issue of great importance because it leads to health adversities in individuals and causes various respiratory problems, such as asthma. Infants and elders are the worst sufferers of air pollution. Increase in population is the primary cause of atmospheric pollution.
Rapid industrialization has led to an increase in the number of factories and industries, which release harmful chemicals into the atmosphere. The establishment of cement plants, thermal power stations, metallurgical industries, oil refineries results in the release of harmful chemicals into the atmosphere polluting the environment. In addition to the natural contaminants, radioactive substances, organic vapors, sulphur compounds, smog generated from harmful chemicals are other causes of atmospheric pollution . Residential heating of coal, oil and natural gas also contaminates the air. Though the issue of atmospheric pollution varies from place to place, the harm it does to the mankind is enormous. Atmospheric pollution leads to impaired health, reduced visibility, economic losses and deterioration of both the cities as well as the rural areas . It also influences the weather in several ways, such as incoming solar radiation and ultra-violet rays.
Los Angeles in California is one of the cities, which is famous for not only its infrastructure, but also atmospheric pollution. The city devoted over 70 percent of its surface area to road transportation, which makes it vulnerable to air pollution. Moreover, the heavy industries located in Los Angeles make it one of the most polluted cities of the world . Since 1940s, Los Angeles has been experiencing serious environmental issues in the form of atmospheric pollution. Sulphur-laden smog is present in excessive quantities in Los Angeles. Emissions of carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide, and smoke from motor vehicles have made the city one of the central points of focus in terms of environmental issues. The city has been struggling constantly to meet the air quality standards associated with vehicle emissions despite of the presence of strict control regulations of pollution. Fuel additives are another cause of environmental damage in Los Angeles. The city has exceeded the maximum trends of ozone concentration according to the statistics .
In order to control atmospheric pollution, it is important to follow certain guidelines and practices. The location of industries and factories is the major factor of control, the negligence of which leads to the adversities associated with air pollution. Other factors of atmospheric pollution control that help to reduce the costs of mitigation and improve public relations are topographical features, availability of clean air, climate and meteorological factors and existing quantity of contaminants in the air . Surveying the area in terms of pollution caused by the existing factories and industries helps to analyze the extent to which it is recommendable to establish new industries. The government should issue legislature on the establishment of new industries based upon the existing statistics of pollution in a specific area. It also helps to analyze the safe discharge of waste products into the atmosphere without contaminating the air.
It is essential to note that the establishment of factories in mountainous and terrain regions makes it difficult to control atmospheric pollution due to the factor of wind velocity. The city of Donora in Pennsylvania had to face prolonged inversion conditions for five to six days due to atmospheric pollution, which resulted in illnesses and deaths of hundreds . The government should properly plan and zone the industrial areas, which is a crucial measure in controlling air pollution. Residential areas and industrial sectors should not dwell in the same location as the people living in the residential areas might suffer respiratory illnesses due to the gases released from industries. It is also necessary to plant certain trees, such as margosa and tamarind, which are the best absorbers of industrial pollutants from quarries, cement factories and chemical industries . Since atmospheric pollution majorly affects the cities, the governments should plan the infrastructure of cities so that the public need not pay the price for the hazardous effects of atmospheric pollution.
Setting up sufficient number of public gardens and parks helps to reduce the harmful effects of pollution to some extent. Individuals should opt for public transport as it reduces the number of vehicles on the road, thereby reducing atmospheric pollution. The competent authorities should define the boundaries between residential and industrial areas, and implement strict regulations. International agreements aid in resolving the atmospheric pollution at they provide an opportunity for the world countries to resolve the issue at a higher level . It is also advisable to publish the pollution control measures in order to create awareness among the public. Hence, it is the responsibility of each individual to fight against the environmental issue of atmospheric pollution, and save the planet and its residents from the dangerous consequences of pollution.
Works Cited
Jacobson, M. Z. (2002). Atmospheric Pollution: History, Science, and Regulation. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Metcalfe, S., & Derwent, D. (2014). Atmospheric Pollution and Environmental Change. New York: Routledge.
Samson, M. (2012). Air Pollution. Rouledge.
Sokhi, R. S. (2011 ). World Atlas of Atmospheric Pollution. New York: Anthem Press.
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