Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Leadership, People, Idealism, World, Love, Kindness, Sociology, Leader

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/10/13

Personality is one of the most important aspect in social relationship and personal growth. If we do not know who we are, we will never improve in the best way. We first need to know who we are before trying to improve ourselves, but that does not hinder us from the opportunity to learn and improve other areas of skill. Many scientists and organizations provided personal assessment tools to help us identify ourselves. And as time went by, these personal assessment can also be used to measure our capabilities as a leader. Being an Idealist, ESFP and extrovert allows me to be a good leader, additionally from my EIQ, I am proven to be able to understand others and myself.

Keirsey Assessment

Idealist came out as my Keirsey assessment result. As the result stated, I realized that I am an idealist. Trying to understand who I am and my ideal self is my daily routine as I want to develop myself to be the best of how I can be.
I want to be better for one reason, and that is to be able to help others in many ways possible, and of course I want to help people to grow too. “Let us grow together and be better together” is something that I might say to people if some day I can work or being involved in some social service.
Idealist is about kindness. I hate conflict, and barriers between people. I love hormonious environment where everyone cares about each other. I believe if all people care about each other, they can help each other to make the world a better place. But even though it is a faraway dream, I am optimistic that it can happen.
Upon taking the test, I realized why I do things, how can I think this way or that way, and the answer to that is due to me being an idealist. And being an idealist, I saw many opportunities for my own self to be a leader. The main reason is that Idealists can help people to get along with others and work together, that is just what leaders supposed to do. Idealists are also dreamers of possibilities, whereas facts do not disturb us, as we believe we can always better things out. We believe that everything can happen, and if not, we will start the change ourselves.But, there is one thing about Idealist that serves as a two edged sword, and that is kindness.
Kindness has always been a victim of dominance and abusive behaviour. As Idealists are an identical stereotype of kindness, we might fall victim to these scenarios. We might not even advance to that leadership position. But if we managed to find the right path with the right leader of our own, we might be appreciated and earned that very position as a leader.
However, I strongly agree when an Idealist becomes a leader. Not to appreciate my own self, but more to the Idealist's nature that they have leadership skills. Idealists can support anyone and help the growth of everyone. Idealists are good at uniting different personalities and can act as a mediator and also help in facilitating an environment where everyone can work together.
Idealists can work well with Artisans wherefore Artisans are good workers while Idealists can support Artisans when they are doing or planning their jobs so they can make the best out of it. Guardians respect their responsibility either regulating or supporting and idealist can work as the advisor for the Guardians when making regulations. And lastly, with Rationals, Idealists can grow together for the best of both their knowledge and personal growth.

Jung Typology Test

When compared to Jung's, it is outlined that I am an extrovert. The total result would be ESFJ, (E 44%, S 1%, F 12%, J 22%). I love being together and working together with others, my extroversion might be one of the aspect of the idealist I have. However the low percentage of my sensing shows that I can be either sensible or perceiving. This makes me pretty much objective in my own opinion. Probably, being objective is the reason for the kindness I have as an idealist. Kindness can have many faces and reasons, and objectiveness is what I think made me.
Idealists are also sensitive this is shown that I depend on my feelings rather than intuition. But I have low percentage on feeling, in which I can perceive this as I am not a drama queen, and I can be strict when it is necessary.
And I am also judgemental. I do not want something unclear. I want everything clear and concise, but I also allow abstraction up to some point as long as it is not close to the deadlines.

Big 5

Through the Big 5, the result came out as extrovert. Pretty much like the Jung's in which my result was extroversion. I am an energetic and outgoing soul. I also love to meet new people and always treat everyone nicely. My percentile is 83%, in which I am pretty much very extrovert compared to others who also take the quiz on www.outofservice.com.
People might see me to have many friends, but that is the result of my extroversion. I can be friendly with anyone even people whom I just met. But somewhat extroversion also has its own disadvantages. I am a bit too much of a loud-mouth that some people hated it. I needed to control myself most of the time.
Extroversion also led me into the high need of social activities. Something boring or just involving myself does not interest me, even can bore me. I like the crowd even when I am not directly involved with the activities in it. When I feel tired or stressed, I also prefer somewhere crowded with a high activity.
I can not stay in one place doing nothing for too long. And whenever I go out, I almost always meet some new friends, and I can also keep that newly established friendship for long.
However, all of these are not mainly the result of my extroversion. If I am not an Idealist and if I am not an EFSJ, I might not be able to have that kind of social life, and I might have more enemies than friends.
The many personalities made me who I am and also helped me in my own private life and I believe will also help me in my own professional career growth.


My EIQ shows that I am very skilled in understanding the expression and feeling of others and my own self. I am good at placing myself in different situations and people and can read others feelings.
I can not see this connected to my idealism, however this makes me able to adapt myself in different circumstances and might be the reason of my kindness where I can adapt myself to act accordingly to different people.
Even though the EIQ only gave that result with 66 point out of 100, I believe that those skills are the skills I need to dig further and develop even better. Those skills are what we call “people skills”, and thus I can adjust myself and even make more friends. I can even have a good and long lasting relationship with others if I can act accordingly.
And the result also stated that I can understand myself in a good manner. I can understand my own feeling and where I stand. Understanding myself will help me to develop myself in the best possibilities.
Both understanding myself and others, if used wisely can help me in getting the best relationship with others. I will be able to tell whether I am a match with this person and if I will not be in a good term with that person.
Knowing people will also help me in choosing my followers when one day I become a leader, so that I can choose the best candidate which will follow my leadership styles and might even be my successor.

Hedgehog and the Fox

I am more of the fox who thinks that the world cannot be measured only in one thing. The world itself compromises many things, and nothing is absolute in this ever-changing world.
Many times people tried to simplify things, but as we tried to simplify things, we made more and more ideas about the world and giving more reason that the world weren't made only by a single idea.
Concerning Jim Collins, the Leadership expert, Leadership also values many things. Leadership would not live if only living through one single idea, but leadership should see every aspect. If we boil them down into a single idea, it will be the same as taking the “average” number without seeing the actual gap or deviation. Small things do matter. Even effective leadership never miss out the single detail.
Even though Jim Collins stated that leadership is the hedgehog with 3 circles, I'd rather say that the better leadership is the fox who oversees all different things without boiling them into one line.


I have but a single value and that is ethical. I will not do something unethical. I will not do something which will relate me into unethical decision or even unethical act.
This ethical value is very closely related to my goals that I wanted to devote myself to the people of the world. I want to be a teacher or work in a governmental position where I can have a bigger responsibility so that I can help more people.

There are several circles by Jim Collins in his the Hedgehog way, these are:

Passion – my passion is mainly in the area of social contribution. I want to help people improve their lives. In order to do this, I might need to work for the government wherefore I can make a better impact to their lives. Or I can be a lecturer to teach them and give them proper education as my successor to help better the world.
Best at – I am best at academic and social relation. Thus, I choose lecturer. I can also share all my knowledges to the world while giving social contribution.
Driver – what drives me is that I saw so many things out of the place in this world. There are so many things that can even work in a better way, even a child could see, but somewhat unattended and left as it is (broken). I want to change it all as I believe that the better world is not just a dream but just something we need to achieve.

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