How to Conclude a Research Paper Right and in Style

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12 Jul 2019

It’s impossible! I would never squeeze 2000-words paper into a paragraph or two.

That’s how students react when faced with the challenge of writing a conclusion for a research paper. If you also cringe at the thought of distilling several weeks’ worth of research work into a short conclusion, let us put your mind at ease. With little know-how, the challenge will seem less intimidating and more exciting.Conclude a Research Paper

Ahead is valuable advice on how to conclude your research paper.

How to End a Research Paper? There is No Single Recipe

Let us make one thing clear: there is no single right way to write a conclusion for your paper. Even though a framework and principles discussed below are almost universal in their application, it doesn’t mean you should not modify them to better serve your unique purposes. In this respect, a paragraph concluding your paper is no different from an introduction. It’s up to you to make them fit the paper’s body. For example, you might want to put more emphasis on, and hence dedicate more space to, the directions for future research. Similarly, you might focus on the implications of your study for the discipline.

How to end a research paper examples are in the following sections of the article.

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How to Write an Effective Conclusion for a Research Paper in 4 Steps

At the risk of stating the obvious, a concluding paragraph for your paper should be neither short nor long – it should be strong. In many ways, the final paragraph is the most important part of your paper because it is the last section the readers see. Thus, a great conclusion has a major impact on their perception of your research efforts.

Here’s how to write a good conclusion for a research paper:

  1. Restate the Topic

Reiterate your topic and emphasize its importance. Since the topic has been introduced in the paper’s opening, there is no need to dedicate to it more than one or two sentences.

  1. Paraphrase the Thesis Statement

Rewrite your thesis statement. It is important to remember that no sentence introduced in the paper’s body should be repeated verbatim in the conclusion. All points you decide to bring there must be paraphrased.

  1. Summarize the Key Points

Conclusion is a synthesis of your paper; therefore, no new facts should be introduced there. For example, all inferences presented in the final section must be consistent with the development of the argument in the previous sections. Therefore, you should simply restate the key points of the pdf paper to your audience.

  1. Discuss the Implications of Your Study

You have to address the implication of your study for the discipline. It might be either a suggestion for future research or a call to action. However, this part can be omitted for some papers without sacrificing their overall quality.

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How Do You Conclude a Research Paper? Learn from This Example

Write an Effective Conclusion

Here is how to conclude a research paper example for MLA format:

In the paper, the relationship between American GDP and several indicators of the country’s environmental conditions have been examined using longitudinal data from the Environmental Protection Agency. Contrary to the opposing claims by Ludwig von Mises Institute, no evidence has been found to support the view that liberalization policies are a viable substitute for sound environmental policy. Instead, it has been shown that stricter policy reforms can improve the ecological resilience of the regions affected by harmful byproducts of the rapid economic growth.

Two points related to the interpretation of the findings must be stressed. First, environmental damages including, but not limited to, air and water pollution exacerbate once the critical level of a region’s average household income has been reached. Meaningful U-shaped relationships vary for different pollutants; this notwithstanding, they are associated with severe deterioration of environmental conditions of an impacted region and cannot be disregarded at the 10% percent level of significance for the analyzed measures. Second, the existing signals of environmental degradation are either not observed or wrongfully interpreted, and as such lie outside the incentive structure of local authorities. This is owing to the ignorance of the buffering capacities of the affected ecosystems as well as numerous institutional impediments.

Moving forward, it is of the utmost importance to develop effective policy approaches to solving the issue based on the empirical evidence presented in the study. The substitution of the current technologies for the cleaner ones is expected to bring the most pronounced effects in the blighted regions.

How to Write a Conclusion for a Science Research Paper: Practical Advice

Conclusions for science research papers are no different than those for other types of research papers. However, when writing the closing paragraph, make sure your arguments are specific, short, and properly motivated. Furthermore, the discussion of the study’s limitations in the conclusion of a science research paper is a must.

How to Write a Conclusion for a Psychology Research Paper: Simple Tips

Give careful attention to the study’s main purpose in the conclusion. Make sure to reaffirm it by restating its main findings in relation to each objective or hypothesis you’ve stated in the previous sections of the paper. Also, highlight the study’s limitations and their impact on its validity.

How to Write a Conclusion for an Argumentative Research Paper: Points to Keep in Mind

Even though you are finishing an argumentative paper, and your best arguments have been presented in the preceding sections, do not allow yourself the indulgence of coming to conclusions without contextualizing them first. Rather, you should reiterate your position as clearly as possible and buttress it with solid points. When writing the conclusion, abstain from going into excessive detail. The best research paper writers know that the final paragraph favors brevity above all else.

If you struggle with a conclusion for a college project, ask research paper writing help.


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