Free Cctv Argumentative Essay Example

Type of paper: Argumentative Essay

Topic: Camera, People, Cyber Crimes, Surveillance, Crime, Technology, Social Issues, Security

Pages: 6

Words: 1650

Published: 2021/01/07

CCTV is considered by some to be a Cheaper and More Effective Way of Reducing Urban Crime than Paying for Police Officers Patrolling the Streets. However, the Public Feel Safer, if Officers are on the Streets and do not like their Daily Lives being Recorded by so many Cameras.


Crime and its reasons:
In the modern era, crimes are increasing with the increase in the modernity. In today’s time, crimes are being done with the help of modern ways and equipment. Crime is defined as the wrong doing of the one person against another person for the personal benefits or the offense. In such situation, one can harm others or can damage the property of the other person (Boundless, 2014). Hence this offense can cause serious damage to others and named as crime.
In addition, with the increase in the crime rate, there is curiosity to know about the reasons behind increasing rate of the crimes. In the research, some of the reasons mentioned are overcrowding, poverty; break down of the family and abusive conditions at home. Although there are many other reasons that can be the reasons behind the involvement of the people in the crime but some of the major reasons are mentioned which are found to be the most common (United Nations, 2003, p.190). Hence there is need to reduce the crime rate by keeping an eye and solving the reasons that are becoming the threat for the increasing crime rate.
Hence in the proceeding part of the paper, we will discuss about the benefits of the surveillance cameras and how they are effective in dealing with the decrease of crime rate ratio. Furthermore, we will discuss the counter arguments that will discuss the negative effects of the use of technology and how people are feeling in secure with the help of technological security products.


In the modern era, technology is taking over in almost all the fields of the life. It is becoming impossible to live without the use of technology. There are lots more benefits of the using surveillance cameras which will be discussed in the proceeding part of the paper along with their counter parts.
First benefit that is due to the presence of CCTV camera is the safety of the people in urban areas. In the past times, when there was no use of the technological products in dealing with the security, people used to hire one person as a guard whose duty was to awake all night for the sake of the safety. Later on, as time passed there comes the mobile security vans and a special department was made for the sake of the security in the urban areas. Hence security was the real threat for the people from the beginning and people always adopt different steps to deal with the threats of the crime.
Furthermore, in urban areas, there is a high rate of the crime due to which people are more afraid as compared to the rural areas of any country. As methods of the past times failed due to the cost effectiveness because there was a complete security department and to pay them was the tough duty for the people from their own income. According to the survey it was reported that the presence of the security cameras makes the people safer and comfort (“CCTV Benefits” n.d, n.p).
Furthermore, these surveillance cameras are cheaper as compared to the other ways of the security for the security purposes at small level but are expensive at the national level. There was the risk of life of the one person who was hired for the sake of the security. On the other hand, there was no risk of life in using the surveillance cameras. Moreover, these cameras provide the recorded evidence which is very useful against some of the very important crime cases like prosecution etc. (“CCTV Benefits” n.d, n.p). Hence technology has completely taken over the life and people are using technology for the sake of the security of their life.
Furthermore, technology is providing aid to the people in many ways. One of the best discoveries in the technology is the cameras and their use for the sake of the security in the views of some people. More than 50 % of the people are in the view that cameras and other surveillance devices should be used for dealing with the crimes. However this ratio was increased after the incident happened in the USA on 9/11 (Mack 2014, n.p). Hence with the passage of time more and more people are with the view that such technological items should be used for the convenience and safety of the people.
Moreover, fear of crime is also lessened with the help of such devices. People feel more secure at public places where there are cameras installed and there is an ease to collect data against the crime that is done and recorded through the eyes of the cameras. Furthermore, it provides aid to the local police so that they can catch the thief and hence the crime rate is controlled (Ratcliffe 2011, p.15).
In addition, use of technology has put the violence makers too much in problem that even at some places where there is a public place; fake cameras also provide aid to the people to make the violent people afraid of the surveillance. Moreover, such fake cameras are just there to show that the area is under surveillance and administration of the city is getting unbelievably positive results. Hence there are benefits of surveillance cameras and technology has reduced the man efforts.

Counter arguments:

On the other hand, there are still some of the people that do not support the availability of the ease and they have some negative comments about using technological items in lessened the man efforts. However, this ratio is less and is less than 50% (Mack 2014, n.p). To support the argument, people are more afraid of the increasing crime rate due to which they do more trust on the services of the man as compared to the technology. According to such people, technology is also the invention of the man so these technological aid products can be faulty and can be the cause of some serious loss (“CCTV Usage, Advantages and Disadvantages” 2013, n.p). Hence such people trust more on the man services and prefer police patrolling on the surveillance cameras.
Moving on, as there are many surveillance cameras used in the present time’s life, no doubt it provide aid to those people who were hired just to awake all night. Using CCTV cameras all over the places so that surveillance can be done is the modern use of technology. But using technology for such purposes irritate people and there are some of the negative views from the people.
Privacy is the right of every person. There are many people around the world who feel unsafe if they are being watched or being recorded for the sake of the safety purposes. Although, benefits of the camera cannot be ignored but surveillance cameras failed in providing the rights of the people i.e. their privacy. Hence it becomes the major problem for the people to feel safe and secure under the surveillance of the camera (“CCTV Usage, Advantages and Disadvantages” 2013, n.p).
Furthermore, surveillance cameras are being used in almost all the places like offices, restaurants, universities etc. Although use of technology in such places is for the sake of the security but it make people to suffer the state of the uncomforted. As these cameras help against crime but also make the employee uncomfortable. Using of surveillance cameras in offices or in the restaurant places just to keep an eye on the workers and the employee make them feel that the they are not trusted by their bosses (“CCTV Usage, Advantages and Disadvantages” 2013, n.p). Hence this problem lowers the psychological state of the employee and the worker which has a negative impact of the productivity and the outcome of the firm.
Moving on to the next counter argument, in spite of having many benefits of the technology in the security department, there are still some disadvantages that are counted as the counter argument. When it is the case of the security of the homes or the offices, use of surveillance cameras and the technology for the sake of the security seems to be a valid option financially (“CCTV Usage, Advantages and Disadvantages” 2013, n.p). As there is no need to hire many men as a guard and all task will be done using surveillance cameras and one surveillance room.
On the other hand, when talking about the security threats and dealing of threats at national level, use of technology become very cost effective. Mack (2014) argued that it is very expensive option to install the security cameras all over the city in the state for the sake of surveillance (n.p). In the analysis he further argued that installing the surveillance cameras in the lower Manhattan New York cost USD 200 which was an additional expanse for the government of the state. Hence option to use the surveillance cameras is only applicable where there is no need of additional maintenance and with one or two cameras, security threats can be dealt.
Moreover, in the analysis done by Mack (2014) regarding the argument of the cost effectiveness, he argued that in addition to the analysis of the Manhattan, District of the Columbia also announced to double their traffic camera system which cost them nearly 85 million USD which was an additional expanse for the government (n.p). Hence in the case of the governments that are not able to afford such expanses, use of the surveillance cameras and their maintenance is really a bad idea for them but can be a good idea for the single home or the offices where there is need to keep an eye in the rooms where there is confidential data.


In order to conclude the above all discussion, we have seen so far various aspects of the usage of surveillance cameras. Surveillance cameras are no doubt bringing revolution in the fight against the crime rate but still there are many aspects that are counted as counter argument which are discussed with detail in the paper. However, to conclude, in the paper, advantages of the surveillance cameras and the use of technology are discussed. Benefits of surveillance cameras regarding the security and ease are discussed in which different aspect were studied from different literatures and scholarly articles.
Furthermore, some other arguments regarding privacy and cost effectiveness were discussed in the paper. Although technology has benefits for the man and all technological products provide ease but still there are some of the people who prefer the services of the man as compared to the use of technological products.
Moving on, in the counter arguments, we discussed aspects that are negative for the people and they prefer to use other ways to secure themselves as compared to the surveillance cameras. One of the reasons is the privacy concern. People who do not wanted to be under surveillance become furious while they are under surveillance. Although privacy is everyone’s right so there is need to think about it before using technology to secure people. All together, there are more benefits of the technological products as compared to the negative arguments so such technological items should be used for the safety purposes so that fight against crime can be ended and fear can be removed from the people so that they can move around easily.


Anon., n.d.. Advantages and Benefits of CCTV. [online] Available at: [Accessed 01 April, 2015].
Anon., 2013. CCTV Usage, Advantages and Disadvantages. [online] Available at: [Accessed 01 April, 2015].
Boundless, 2014. Types of Crimes. [online] Boundless. Available at: [Accessed 01 April, 2015].
Mack, C. T., 2014. Privacy and the Surveillance Explosion. [Online] World Future Society. Available at:[Accessed 01 April 2015].
Ratcliffe, J., 2011. Video Surveillance of Public Places. [online] COPS. Available at: [Accessed 01 April, 2015].
United Nations, 2003. Juvenile Delinquency. In: World Youth Report (pp. 188-209). [online] United Nations. Available at: [Accessed 01 April 2015].

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