Free Marketing Plan Of FedEx Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Business, Services, Company, Organization, Marketing, Commerce, Transportation, Customers

Pages: 7

Words: 1925

Published: 2021/03/30

Executive Summary

FedEx is a worldwide transportation and arrangements partnership that gives services to buyers and organizations around the world. FedEx Organization is the guardian organization that gives key and logistical support system for an assortment of working, right now known as FedEx Services, FedEx Freight, FedEx Ground, and FedEx Express. These different elements contend aggregately and are overseen helpfully under the FedEx brand name yet work generally autonomously from each other. The organization is presently the worldwide pioneer in the expedited service market and offers conveyance to what’s more, from people and organizations in more than 220 plus nations. FedEx was named to Fortune for 100 Top Corporations to Work For and 10 Most Respected Companies. In this report we discuss the company analysis, customer analysis, competitor analysis, positioning and differentiation point and budgets etc. this report give a brief view, what is FedEx is actually about.

Company Analysis:

FedEx is systematically apperceived as a standout among the most recognized brands in the world. FedEx located and oversaw in Memphis, Tennessee and formally start operations on seventeen April, 1973. Federal Express started by Frederick W. Smith. FedEx has designed a set of new and interesting solutions to facilities buyers of more than 220 states. FedEx Company offers strategic and logistical backing for an assortment of operational divisions, formerly referred as FedEx Services, FedEx Freight, FedEx Ground, and FedEx Express. These bodies compete all together under FedEx name, however work relatively independent. FedEx select for Best Corporation at ranking number 64 in Fortune 500 (Fortune, 2014). FedEx express frequently used for delivery of minute packages and documents. FedEx supply chain and trade network supply full accommodation for corporations using FedEx for worldwide exchange. FedEx ground is designed for vendors and individuals, who are shipping to residential areas. FedEx freight allows clients and organizations to transport bigger shipments on a less time-decline timetable also give quick door to door service. FedEx Services gives promoting, data innovation, arranging, and regulatory administrations for the umbrella of FedEx units with the aim of serving a bolster capacity to the income producing transportation and conveyance divisions.

Company Objectives

The FedEx Corporation is a courier services supplier. Its mission is to give better monetary returns for its invertors by giving high esteem included logistics, transportation and associated business. To attain mission FedEx endeavors to give quick and dependable courier services for its clients through procurement of productive air and ground transportation offices facilities. It has quick planes and auto mobiles enough to guarantee that are conveyances are set aside a few minutes. Its method is to secure a far reaching system for its administrations in order to get however many clients as would be prudent. FedEx attempt to keep her business centered with his statement of purpose. The destinations of FedEx are to meet the budgetary target of the organization which is to augment shareholders riches by expanding the profits accessible for them.

Want to provide the good courier service to stay in the business for a more drawn out run

Sustain the client base and spend the new client apportion by 5%
Marketing plan objectives
Quickest service provider firm in the courier delivery organizations
Making the administrations smooth and agreeable for customers that they pay higher costs cheerfully
Marketing Strategies:
Logo and Slogan
The slogan is; “Relax, It’s FedEx”.
“Relax, It’s FedEx,” which went ahead the prospect in 2004, was an incredible transformation and less critical taglines of the prior before. The current FedEx logo was made by Lindon Leader of Landor Associates in 1974. The Rolling Stone Magazine classified this logo as one of the eight best logos of the world. The logo has accomplished more than forty awards globally. (Rolling Stone, 2010)

Target Market

Embassies and other administrative foundations
Small entrepreneurs and experts that are in need of expert associations at distant spots
It would not be a distortion any individual who needs to send something anyplace on the
FedEx offering number of items includes
FedEx Express
FedEx Ground
FedEx Freight
FedEx Services
FedEx Office
FedEx Tech Connect
FedEx Custom Critical
FedEx Trade Networks
FedEx Supply Chain
FedEx Smart Post
FedEx charges high Prices for quality administrations. FedEx also giving discounts deals on FedEx ground. FedEx Ground will give pickup administration to business space; upon the requested will charge six dollars. In China FedEx is cutting its item for business sector infiltration. It gives booking facility through web (McCole, 2004).


FedEx essentially situated in United States and is catering the services inside Asia, Europe, Middle East, Latin America and North America. FedEx offer its administrations 24/7.


 FedEx campaigns runs with different mediums throughout the year. Spends serious amount on business ads, that’s why prime quality ads are prepared.

Customer analysis:

FedEx comprehends that different clients have distinctive needs. Thusly FedEx has divided itself into distinctive segments like FedEx Express, FedEx Freight, FedEx Ground, FedEx Supply Chain Services, and FedEx Trade Networks. Every service is focused toward a particular section of the business sector, as indicated by the particular needs of diverse clients.

Market Segmentation

FedEx has separated itself into diverse business units to better serve client needs. Their objective is to work freely of one another yet to contend all in all. This segment is likewise how it has separated itself from its rivals (Dickson and Ginter, 1987).
FedEx Express is equipped to fulfill time and day distinct services for anybody requiring fast conveyance of little bundles, with cash back insurance to guarantee an instant supply

The FedEx Ground service look more to a business-to-business little and medium bundle conveyance with less time and destination restrictions.

FedEx Freight permits clients to send bundles of more than 150 pounds, territorial and interregional, inside the mainland US. This indulges huge shipments that have adaptable time restrictions.

FedEx Trade Networks, which give end-to-end support for global exchange

FedEx Supply Chain Services which synchronize the development of products for improved consumer loyalty
Competitor analysis:
FedEx Corporation rivals UPS, DHL, USPS and also a large group of other littler organizations at home and abroad. FedEx delivers bundles to 220 or more nations as actual actor do in this business like FedEx competitors do. And in addition going up against greater players, FedEx should likewise rival local conveyance organizations and worldwide delivery organizations that serve just their nation.

Competitive Advantage

FedEx does not have a competitive edge in the transportation services industry on the grounds that their arrival on venture is beneath the business normal. The FedEx returns are a large portion of that of the transportation titan. The normal rate of profitability for FedEx in the course of recent years is around 12% and the business pioneer's four-year normal is around 25%. The business normal is figured to be just over 20%. With such a low profit for ventures, FedEx does not seem to have a game changer in the delivery administrations industry (Barney, 1995).

Distinctive Competencies

FedEx’s existing competencies are strong infrastructure, brand equity and a commitment technology and innovation. The proficiency make possible for FedEx to become the leader express supply company. While FedEx even now follows UPS, DHL and others on the base of competitive strategy these proficiencies make it possible for FedEx to create in roads and in the end attain a competitive strategy within the shipping business (McCole, 2004).

SWOT Analysis:

FedEx Strengths
Good brand image
Best home delivery service among other corporations
Innovative and proper R&D
Large scale procedures
New and developing use of technology
FedEx Weaknesses
High costs relative to rivals
Not as good globally
Less focused ground shipping
Not completely differentiable from UPS
Extremely exposed to economic conditions and fuel prices
FedEx Opportunities
Corporative methods in remote nations
Intermodal cargo shipping and container stockpiling
Acquire smaller organizations to expand market
Globalization of exchange
Shopping can be done Online
FedEx Threats
Rising transportation expense, rising fuel prices
Fixed and high prices
Economic downturn has eliminated on volume generally
Many clients and organizations are switching to slower delivery choices to save cash
External Market Analysis:
Political and Legal Environment
Deregulation of the aerial shuttle industry, permitted arriving of bigger airship cargo, which prompted lower working expenses of FedEx and deregulations of the trucking business permitted provincial trucking frameworks to lower expenses on short pull trips.

Economic Environment

Because of globalization, a developing pattern was watched where organizations extended crosswise over national limits to catch new markets and outsource generation. This expanded the requirement for development of products which made interest for worldwide transportation. From expanding swelling and rivalry, organizations were looked to decrease working expenses, henceforth requesting for more productive logistics administration to lessen stock expenses and execute without a moment to spare stock (Cahill, 1996).

Social Environment

FedEx urged its clients to coordinate its frameworks to their organizations. Consequently, clients will have the capacity to lessen stock, spare time and warehousing expenses. In the meantime, creative clients were requesting for more prominent coordination of FedEx's frameworks (Kytle and Ruggie, 2005).

Technology Environment

FedEx is an organization assembled around the utilization of innovation. Consistent innovative work of creative programming has helped the Company achieve its prosperity. Therefore, FedEx had the capacity connection its systems to empower offering of data in the middle of offices and inside divisions in the organization to build working effectiveness, decrease expenses furthermore to enhance client administrations.


FedEx is not quite the same as its adversary in term of value and in term of worldwide rivalry. FedEx has the capacity address the issues of every one of these sections. They have spent an unprecedented measure of legislative center adding to their framework, so hopefully they can make the best guarantees to their clients. FedEx transports more than 3 million things to more than 200 nations every day. The finished result is an abnormal state of value administration. On worldwide level, FedEx is substantially more obviously separated from its rivals (Dickson and Ginter, 1987).

Advantage of Differentiation

The points of interest of FedEx's separation system are that on the off chance that they find themselves able to separate themselves from their rivals. They can make a bigger client base and mark reliability. In light of their history and responsibility to development, it is simple for FedEx to present new bundle following frameworks, shipping center points or a more noteworthy general productivity. These things issue them the high ground over the contenders that can't copy their techniques. Another point of interest of their technique is that by getting to be separated according to the buyer, FedEx would be supported in charging a higher cost for its administrations than most other delivery firms (Cahill, 1996).


FedEx have situated them as a shrewd decision with regards to air cargo. What they've done is make a relationship and bond with clients. FedEx tagline shows their position 'Relax, its FedEx' and they mean it."
Marketing Strategies:
Marketing strategies are made to expand deliveries and services every client. FedEx attempts to pull in more clients and make sure to satisfy all commitments. Marketing plan made to target the current customers and to those who can be the customer in near future.

Brand Building and Promotional Strategies

FedEx will use various mediums to promote its product, like TV ads, sponsorship marketing, interactive-marketing, event marketing, media advertising and internet marketing. Through promotion we targeted current customers. We will do different types of promotional activities to remind the people about the product and build a strong image in the mind of customers.

Action Plan:

Purchase Local Companies Shares
Buying little corporations to expand the delivery area like rural areas where FedEx doesn’t deliver itself. Instead of starting a brand new hub, FedEx strategy should be buying over new native company that wills facilities FedEx to own very little risk on the amount they endowed. This can be as a result because the native corporations understand better about the market and FedEx. Initially the plan has to be signed by the top level executives. After approval it will begin its operations.
FedEx need money to purchase more local companies and airlines. Through this FedEx can expand more and can gain more customers but for this FedEx need money, geographic location and technology. FedEx need best location and best technology to open a new hub.

Yearly Budget for Marketing

In 2010.FedEx Corporation spend about 26.093 billion U.S dollar
In year 2011 the budget was about twenty eight billion U.S dollars


Barney, J. B. (1995). Looking inside for competitive advantage. The Academy of Management Executive, 9(4), 49-61.
Cahill, D. J. (1996). Pioneer advantage: is it real? Does it matter?. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 14(4), 5-8.
Dickson, P. R., & Ginter, J. L. (1987). Market segmentation, product differentiation, and marketing strategy. The Journal of Marketing, 1-10.
Kytle, B., & Ruggie, J. G. (2005). Corporate social responsibility as risk management: A model for multinationals.
McCole, P. (2004). Refocusing marketing to reflect practice: The changing role of marketing for business. Marketing Intelligence & Planning, 22(5), 531-539.

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