Free The Election Of Barak Obama Essay Sample

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Race, United States, America, Social Issues, Racism, Obama, Politics, Discrimination

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Published: 2021/01/05

There is no doubt that racial makeup of the U.S is relatively shaky. Immigrants from various regions of the globe have added considerable levels of cultural diversity to the U.S population in recent years. Therefore, racial tensions have characterized almost all elements of the American society (Waller, 35). Particularly, perceptions or notions that some individuals form particular are superior to others have always intensified racial tensions, even in the twenty-first century, which is characterised by interactions between individuals form different cultures and regions. In most cases, racial tensions occur due to government policies, religious differences, discrimination, and prejudice. Specifically, the election of Barack Obama was largely perceived as a turning point in race relations; however, it appears that nothing has changed (Waller, 169). From time to time, Americans still protest all over the nation because of incidents where white police officers have killed or mistreated black citizens. Irrespective of all the societal, technological, and ethical developments witnessed in America, racial issues still pose serious and far-reaching challenges to the very fabric of the American society (Waller, 89). This essay intends to highlight the racial and identity changes that have occurred as well as the elements that might create more changes in America racial relations, especially after the election of Obama as the president. In addition, I will evaluate whether there has been a backlash or not.
The election of Obama heralded new identity and cultural changes in America. Indeed, the American society in the 21st century is widely characterized by new ways of political and cultural thinking. These changes are responding to transformations in politics, technology, cultural flows, economy, and issues of identification. Specifically, the changes include the emergence of healthcare reforms and the revision or revaluation of racial categories by the United States Census Bureau (Kellner 715). As aforementioned, America is comprised of individual from different racial divides, and they have provoked tensions and ambiguities between them to many years. Most recently, the election of barrack Obama as the president of the United States highlighted some underlying tensions. Individuals who criticize some of these changes contend that Obama’s election in addition to his global status as a celebrity indicates that the U.S. is slowly entering a post racial epoch. According to Kellner, diversity is inevitable in post racial periods and all people will have no choice but to embrace diversity. Specifically, diversity is widely exemplified in Obama’s experience in the sense that his wife is an African-American; his half-sister is Indonesian- Caucasian; and his brother- in-law is Chinese-Canadian. Additionally, Obama’s father is a Kenyan and his maternal grandparents and American mother are from Kansas. Racial diversity is also evident in the United States census statistics. According to existing statistics, the multiracial population in the United States has dramatically increased from 500,000 to more than 6.8million between 18970s and 2000, hence influencing the United States politics (Kellner 728). Therefore, the election of President Obama is a clear indication that America is slowly emerging form divisiveness, partisan emotions, and racial barriers that formed an integral element of its socialization.
Based of the prior context, the term post racial entails socio-political changes that affect all Americans. For instance, America’s political and social life is increasingly becoming neutral and accommodative. Consequently, Americans are disproving unequivocal behaviours of racial hierarchy and prejudice that typify the history of the nation (Weisenfeld 1). Consequently, these changes encourage individuals who were widely subjected to racial prejudice to embrace racial neutrality as well as to embrace individual from different races, creeds, and opinions. In addition, they have to be optimistic of the fact that America is slowly developing as a nation that embraced diversity, and discriminations based on race are slowly diminishing. Moreover, they have to avert the temptation of engaging in instances of racial intolerance.
Indeed, there is no doubt that Obama is largely confronted with numerous challenges in his endeavour to counter racial discrimination in the United States. For instance, he was not in agreement with the murder of Trayvon Martin, a black teenager. However, his comments regarding the murder of Trayvon placed him at crossroads with public agenda regarding race and racial relations. Obama in his comment said, “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon” (Weisenfeld 1). As a consequent of these remarks, Newt Gingrich, a political figure, and Michelle Malkin, a columnist, labelled Obama’s comments as political opportunism, and later intimated that he found them to be disgraceful. Despite the unrelenting and constant opposition, the election of Obama in 2008, as well as his subsequent re-election in 2012, signified the birth of a new day and epoch of opportunity and reflection. His election in 2008 and re-election in 2012 illustrated identity issues that had been suppressed for numerous decades. Therefore, it is remarkably challenging to overlook race issues when an individual distinct from his forerunners is ruling the nation. For this reason, individuals’ collective identities remain a contentious issue, especially as the nation transforms into something distinct from what they are accustomed to. According to Fulwood (1), increased fertility and immigration rates among ethnic and racial minority groups have significantly transformed America. They are accountable for 35% of the United States population and individuals below 18 years constitute about 44%. In contrast, whites make up about 56% of young individuals and 80% of adults (Fulwood 1). Because of this cultural diversity, ethnic majority populations increasingly dominate the American society, especially in regards to its economic influence, political power, and sheer size.
Principles dictate our opinions, attitudes, and respect. Therefore, the primary tool to change America in whatever form we would want is principles. Sound laws encourage growth, and corrupt principles negatively affect attitudes and behaviours. The philosophy applies to discrimination in America among others. Besides, the basis of racism is generalization and misconception. In the pre-colonial period, the whites formed and developed the notion that blacks are inferior to whites. The concept is baseless, and the American government and people have a responsibility of clearing it. The promise of democracy must be fulfilled regardless of race; whether black or white, rural or urban, American Indians, Spanish surname, and every minority. Therefore, the stand to eliminate racism must not be just the responsibility of people of colour but everyone whether Irish, Ukrainian, Russian, Australian, yellow, orange, white or black. To take a stand against discrimination and racism is a total commitment that everyone must engage in (Waller 45).
Strategies are necessary for dealing with racism. For starters, Americans should accept that racism is an emotional subject that should be handled psychologically. For instance, when a person has been discriminated against because of their skin colour they definitely become bitter and most likely want to revenge. The revenge aspect makes racism thrive further hence reconciliation and counselling becomes necessary. It is, therefore, fair for those who have taken a stand against racism to state their case accurately, equitably and directly (Waller 84). Those against racism should also use evidence and facts to support one’s claims when they feel offended because of their race. Furthermore, the government should educate all Americans on what is racism for them to know what exactly they are fighting, therefore, finding a way to deal with it amicably.
The media is an excellent forum for educating the public on racism. The media is viewed widely; hence, they can use that chance to air and print discussions and programs that criticize racism by standing for freedom, justice, and equity. Our schools should also be a forum for preaching and giving direction in relation to discriminatory behaviours. The moment Americans clearly understand what racism is it will present a good ground to fight the monster.
There has been a backlash in fighting racism since the election of President Barrack Obama. Many white Americans felt that being led by a person of colour is insulting; hence they reacted by either being abusive or moving from America to other countries with their investments. As much as Obama enjoys firm support from the black communities, criticisms are coming his way even from areas that have seemingly been viewed as his base. Eminent figures like Cornell West a Princeton University Professor and Belafonte Harry the activists and many other persons have been criticizing Obama. They sharply criticize him for failure to address challenges that confront black communities in America (Waller 35).
In sum, tense racial relations have characterized the American society for centuries, and they are mainly fomented when individuals from a particular race consider themselves superior to the rest. In most cases, racial tensions occur due to government policies, religious differences, discrimination, and prejudice. The election of Barack Obama was widely viewed as a turning point in racial relations, but as it appears, noting has changed. From time to time, Americans still protest all over the nation over incidents where white police officers have killed black citizens. Radical changes can be implemented only when Americans accept that racism is an emotional subject and deal with it psychologically. Ideally, all citizens and residents should take a stand against discrimination and racism as a way to changing and addressing racial tensions that threaten to split the American society.

Works Cited

Fulwood, Sam. Shifting U.S. Demographics Demand New Cross-Racial Coalitions. n.d.Web. March 23, 2015.
Kellner, Douglas. Barack Obama and Celebrity Spectacle. International Journal of Communication 3 (2009): 715-741
Weisenfeld, Judith. Post-Racial America? The Tangle of Race, Religion, and Citizenship. Web.23March.2015.
Waller James. Prejudice Across America. London: Prentice Hall Press, 2009. Print.

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