Good Example Of Essay On The Story Of Jesus

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Jesus Christ, God, People, World, Life, Christians, Family, Kingdom

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Published: 2020/12/01

Jesus Describe God

In the whole book of the New Testament, Jesus referred God as His Father in Heaven. He described God in various ways to explain and show to the people His attributes and how man can have a relationship with God. Jesus described God as sovereign and great over all things. He consistently displayed God’s sovereignty and greatness over all things. In the New Testament, He said “My Fatheris greater than all”. Jesus was also able to silence the tumultuous wind during the storm. He was able to raise the dead, restored the sight of the blind, and healed the sick people. He was able to drive demons and casts them out from man. Through these things, He declared and displayed God’s sovereignty over all the things on the Earth.
Jesus also described God as loving and saving. Jesus life is a perfect demonstration of God’s love to man. Jesus laid down His life for man as atonement for sin so that the relationship between God and man can be restored. Jesus showed the love of God ultimately by obeying the Scriptures. He chose to be mocked and be insulted by man. He chose to walk the long and painful way of dying to showcase the world that he carried the cross that contained man’s sins. All of these things happen because of love. The love of God and His desire for man to come back to Him makes Jesus do all these things.
Jesus also describes God as good, passionate, and generous. The many miracles that Jesus did during His life here on Earth displayed the goodness and passion of God to man. God did not want man to suffer. Jesus healed the sick. Jesus also promised the people that God is a giving and generous God. One of the many miracles He did was to feed the thousands of people. From the five loaves of bread and two fishes, Jesus fed all the people. God is good and generous. And Jesus is an evidence for that.

Jesus Describe the People

The very nature of mankind is sinful in virtue of the man’s first parents Adam and Eve. Mankind is the reason why Jesus came to the Earth. He chose to die for man because of God’s love for His creations. Jesus described the people as sick, sinners, and in need of healing. In Jesus lines, “It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners”. Thus, Jesus came to the world to heal the people who are sick because of their sins. Man’ sicknesses are due to their sins. Jesus is the only way to heal man from their sins by His great sacrifice, and heal the people from their sickness.
Jesus taught the people about the ways of God. However, in so any ways, the Pharisees go against Him and His teachings. They do not believe Jesus being the Messiah. They treated Him like a fool for declaring things that are unknown to Him. In Jesus’ many parables, He referred to these people as hypocrites. In one of His parables, He compared a Pharisee bragging to God about His goodness comparing himself better than a tax collector. However, another man, the tax collector was begging God for mercy. Jesus showed to the people that God honored the tax collector more than the Pharisee. This is connected to the words in Isaiah “These people say they honor me, but they don’t really make me an important part of their lives”. Jesus hated hypocrisy. One instance of His anger was when Jesus tumbled all the tables in the temple that people used for their business.
Jesus described the people as in need of a Savior. The people were hopeless and needed a Messiah in search for hope in life. This hopelessness of man was evident during the triumphal entry of Jesus. During that time, the people lavished Jesus with praise and worship. Not everyone knew who Jesus was and what He can offer to the people. They welcomed Him openly due to their desire for someone who would lead and deliverer them. They placed their hope on the man thinking of Him as their deliverer. They hailed Him as King. However, their praise and worship were temporary since these people were the same people who would reject Him and accuse Him.

Jesus Describe Himself

There were many ways that Jesus revealed Himself as the Son of God. In John 17:5, Jesus said, “Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was”. This passage revealed that Jesus was with God even before the ages. In the book of Genesis, this fact was evident in the line of God when God created the world. There were lines in the Book of The Genesis referred to “We”, that means that God had a companion and that was Jesus. In the New Testament Jesus said this fact several times. During the time when Mary and Joseph lost Jesus when he was still a kid, they found Him at the temple. Jesus simply answered that He was busy with His Father’s business.
Jesus also referred Himself as the only way to God. This truth was evident in the lines “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”. Jesus, in many ways, talked about Him as the Savior. Being the Son of God, He claimed that only He knew the Father (Jn 3:13). He talked about being with God the Father, and testified that only Him knew the ways of the Father. Even the heart of the Gospel talked about Jesus as the way to eternal life by receiving Him as man’s personal Savior. These and other revelations demonstrated Jesus as the only mediator of man to a relationship with God.
In the many miracles that Jesus has done while He was still alive, there were many instances that He described Himself as one who has authority over all the Earth. This claim was very evident especially during the time of His resurrection when He told his disciples, “All authority in heaven and on Earth has given on me “. This means that the sovereignty of God the Father over all things on Earth and beyond was given to Jesus. Being the Son of God, and one with God through trinity, the powers of God has been given to Jesus as well.

Jesus Describe the Kingdom of God

There were many ways that Jesus described the Kingdom of God. Jesus preached about the kingdom of God in parables. Most of His parables started with “The kingdom of God is like..”. One of His descriptions was to compare the Kingdom of God with the mustard seed. Though the mustard seed was considered as the smallest seed, its potential to grow was very great, growing into magnificent heights towering over all other plants. Jesus referred to this story to emphasize how the church and the kingdom of God started in the smallest way, and that was Jesus. The kingdom that Jesus started is then expected to grow gradually.
Jesus described the kingdom of God as a man who planted good seeds in the field. In this parable, He compared the growth of the seeds in different ways. The good seeds were the good people of God and there were weeds that compete with their growth. The weeds were the enemies that will be put to the eternal fire. The good seeds will be separated from the bad seeds during the time of judgment. In a related parable, Jesus also described the kingdom of God with the parable of the sower. The story was about one sower sowing seeds in the field. The seed was the word of God, the Gospel, and they grew differently affected by the different soils where they were planted. There were seeds that grew abundantly while there are seeds that got choked with the other plants, and others fell among the thorns. This story showed that there were instances when the word of God dies on the hearts of men due to the worldly concerns and other circumstances while there were those who grew abundantly and grew in numbers.


Jesus life here on Earth was God’s ultimate performance of love to humankind. When man got separated from God from the Garden of Eden because of sin, man has strived on his own strength to come to God. There were many accounts found in the Old Testament about man’s struggle to come to God. However, man, sinful in nature, cannot go directly to a Holy God. Thus, God made a way to bridge the gap of man to Hiimself. In the olden times, man came to God through offerings of sacrifices. Jesus came to the world and offered Himself as the ultimate sacrifice to atone for the sins of man and cleanse man from sin so that man can come to God.
God has declared the coming of the Messiah through the prophets in the Old Testament. From the books of Genesis to the other books such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, and others have prophesied about this savior King that would save humanity from eternal doom. All prophesies about the Messiah came true when Jesus came to the world through the Virgin Mary. The Holy Spirit declared that Jesus is the Son of God in various ways. The conception of Jesus in the womb of the Virgin is one of the most evident miracles that Jesus is not conceived from man but from the Spirit of God. Further, John the Baptist shouted the coming of Christ during the various water baptisms.
Jesus came to the world to save man from eternal spiritual death. His life was spent to declare God’s goodness. He came to the world to heal the sick, perform miracles, lead the blind, and promise eternal life to man. He came to the world to die and conquer death. However, death could not contain God. In the third day, He rose from the dead, and ascended to the heaven. His life is a living testimony about the power of God. He left the Holy Spirit in His Disciples so that they can continue to spread the good news about the salvation of man through the life of Jesus.
The film about Jesus is very comprehensive and very informative. Anyone who watch the film would be refresh about who Jesus is, and why He came to the world. It added a lot of information about the life of Jesus in a different perspective. While watching the film, I was reminded of Jesus sacrifice and God’s great love for me. It is different to see the life of Jesus through the movie. The scenes that I read in the Bible became realistic. It is very moving and touching making my heart beat with desire to be with Jesus and declare the Gospel to the rest of the world.

Works Cited:

Jesus Film Media. (2015). “Jesus”. Accessible through

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