Good Example Of Research Paper On How Macro-Economic Changes Will Impact The Healthcare Delivery System In The United States

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Health, Health Care, System, Development, Economics, Government, Politics, Africa

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Published: 2020/11/18

Analysis and Synthesis of Final Research

Institutional Research
Analysis and Synthesis of Final Research


Health economics can be defined as, a branch in economics that is concerned with issues that are related to behavior, efficiency, value, and effectiveness as they are produced in health. This has not been a topic of major discussion especially in the developed countries. The developing countries, however, seem to be still growing and therefore the need to assess and analyze the healthcare economic model. Africa has a lot of developing nations (Mills et al, 2012). There are 52 nations that are developing at different rates and, therefore, the systems may differ slightly. They are, however, marred with the same issues as the rest of the continent that is said to be the fastest growing. For a country to grow effectively then the healthcare should be very good. This research will be aimed at analyzing the healthcare economic model in Africa.
African countries are still developing even at a higher rate. This means that the countries always have to acquire money that can be used in the creating a better healthcare system. This does not however happen no matter how easy it might seem (Mooney, 2012). One of the concepts that I will follow so that I can do my research is the funding that African countries receive from the government. It is the responsibility of the government to provide good health care system for all of its citizens. If there is enough funding then it will mean that the healthcare system is being developed. Efficiency and value are largely associated with money and therefore a good funding will ensure that they are addressed. This is the main concept that I will follow to ensure that I reach an acceptable conclusion in the research of healthcare in Africa.
The other concept that I will use in my research is the number of people that are able to have access to healthcare facilities and services. For an efficient healthcare, all the people should be able to have access to healthcare systems. Money also applies to a big part in ensuring that this is also addressed. The concept will be to try to get to know if the governments in these countries have put enough facilities for the people to receive medical attention. If the facilities are there, then the conditions that they are in will be analyzed most especially to check if they are operational (Dilger, Kane & Langwick, 2012). There have been cases that hospitals are built but they lack doctors and nurses or equipment. This will be a very good concept that will lead to the finding of accurate results in the healthcare in Africa. It will also show how it can be improved and how the improvement can take place.
The two concepts will be the main ideas that I will use to do my research. They will uncover the problem that has been facing the issuing of healthcare in Africa. The concepts will outline all the problems that are being faced in Africa as well as some of the growth that has been taking place. They will also analyze if they cover the main facts that are presented by economic healthcare. As defined above, economic healthcare mainly looks for issues that are related to behavior, efficiency, value, and effectiveness as they are produced in health. These issues are the ones that the two concepts aim at achieving from the research. The concepts mainly stress in these areas that the research requires. There will be other minor concepts that will be initiated as a result of the ideas that have been developed (Kalipeni, Semu & Mbilizi, 2012).
For additional material, the government and insurers effects to the health economies will also be evaluated. Some of the examples include how government policy influences the complete healthcare system. This will be a guide to uncovering more in the research paper to ensure that all answers are found. The government always has big connections when it comes to the issue of healthcare in any country.

United States has one of the best healthcare practices in the world. The systems have developed over the years. The system needs few changes when it comes to the delivery system in the country. The changes are always mainly targeted to keep the system up to date with the economic trends that are taking place. The changes always affect the health system in a way. This research paper will research on the macro-economic changes and how they affect the delivery of health care in the United States (Chernew & Newhouse, 2012).
The first concept that will be followed will be to explore the delivery in the healthcare system. Its strengths and weaknesses will be analyzed so that they can help in the research. Identifying these two areas will be the most important for any research to be carried out. Putting together the challenges and other factors to expect in the research is crucial as it makes it direct and fast (Modrek et al, 2013). After analyzing these, I will be able to plan a schedule and note all the steps that I will follow in the research to come to a concrete conclusion on what I should apply so that I will be able to complete my research. For a good research to take place, then the researcher should be able to analyze the problem before they can begin the research. This will be like the pre-research done on issues that affect the healthcare system.
The second concept that will be undertaken will be research on ACA and how it will affect the whole system after it is implemented. The first details that will be researched is the meaning and the origin of the macro-economic change. I will look in to why the government wants it implemented into the healthcare system (Béland & Waddan, 2012). There are always the reasons that are provided into why certain changes have to be made and this will be done to the ACA change too. After understanding the meaning and why the change is set to occur, its potential effects will be analyzed. These are both the positive and negative effects of the change to the healthcare system. They will then be weighed and a conclusion drawn from both the negative and positive effects of the change. The most targeted part will be on the delivery of the healthcare as the research topic has suggested. The assessment will also include any other information that may look interesting and has potential to help in the matter (Astolfi, Lorenzoni & Oderkirk, 2012).
Government and Insurers also play a big role when it comes to these macro-economic changes. They seem to all have certain advantages that the government or insurers want the system changed to meet certain needs. The demand by the government, will be researched and see how it affects the government (Klak, 2014). Is the project of economic importance to the government more than to the healthcare system? This will also be researched to add more weight on the effects that the changes will have in the delivery of healthcare in the United States. If the changes have been tried in other countries, how the advantages and disadvantages were viewed will also be a topic of research. These concepts will guide me in making a research that has all sides represented. Their effects of different parties will also be majorly discussed in the research paper.


The researches that will be done will be how the economic healthcare model functions in Africa and how macro-economic changes affect the healthcare delivery system. There are several concepts that can be followed to make sure that the research is a success. Both the effects of the government and insurers will be analyzed and compared to those of the healthcare system. What is needed in the healthcare system and what is being provided will also be analyzed so that a clear and concrete decision can be made. This paper will be a clear guide to a successful research. It covers all the important basics in the research that proves it can be used in any kind of research and how each will be accomplished. This model can be used in researching and solving problems that are associated with the healthcare system. The research will also focus on minor concepts that may result from the main concept.


Astolfi, R., Lorenzoni, L., & Oderkirk, J. (2012). Informing policy makers about future health spending: A comparative analysis of forecasting methods in OECD countries. Health Policy, 107(1), 1-10.
Béland, D., & Waddan, A. (2012). The Obama presidency and health insurance reform: Assessing continuity and change. Social Policy and Society, 11(03), 319-330.
Bonfrer, I., Van de Poel, E., Grimm, M., & van Doorslaer, E. (2012). Does health care utilization match needs in Africa? Challenging conventional needs measurement. ISS Staff Group 1: Economics of Sustainable Development.
Chernew, M. E., & Newhouse, J. P. (2012). Health care spending growth. Handbook of Health Economics, 2, 1-43.
Dilger, H., Kane, A., & Langwick, S. A. (Eds.). (2012). Medicine, mobility, and power in global Africa: transnational health and healing. Indiana University Press.
Kalipeni, E., Semu, L. L., & Mbilizi, M. A. (2012). The brain drain of health care professionals from sub-Saharan Africa: A geographic perspective. Progress in Development Studies, 12(2-3), 153-171.
Klak, T. (2014). Globalization, neoliberalism and economic change in Central America and the Caribbean. Latin America transformed: Globalization and modernity, 67-92.
Mills, A., Ataguba, J. E., Akazili, J., Borghi, J., Garshong, B., Makawia, S., & McIntyre, D. (2012). Equity in financing and use of health care in Ghana, South Africa, and Tanzania: implications for paths to universal coverage. The Lancet, 380(9837), 126-133.
Modrek, S., Stuckler, D., McKee, M., Cullen, M. R., & Basu, S. (2013). A review of health consequences of recessions internationally and a synthesis of the US response during the Great Recession. Public Health Reviews, 35(1), 1-35.
Mooney, G. (2012). The health of nations: Towards a new political economy. Zed Books.

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