Type of paper: Essay

Topic: God, Jesus Christ, Family, Islam, Muslim, Jerusalem, Bible, Middle East

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/12/09


Isaiah is one of the great biblical prophets, who comes from a distinguished Jewish priestly family, was born in Jerusalem around 765 BC. e. He prophesied in the Hebrew language. Isaiah is remarkable, first of all, his prophecies about the Messiah. The prophet Isaiah began to transmit their messages in 747 BC. e., in the days of King Uzziah. Start prophecy of Isaiah had on during the reign of the kings of Azariah, Jotham, Ahaz, and Hezekiah. Isaiah martyr life ended during the reign of Manasseh, king of Judah, known for its violations of the Torah and the persecution of the prophets.

The Branch (of the Lord)

Jesus Christ was called the Branch of the Lord in the Book of Isaiah 4:2. Christ is the Son of God, consubstantial with the Father, God incarnate in human flesh. Christ died for the redemption of human sins, and then rose from the dead, ascended into heaven and will come a second time to judge the living and the dead. Jesus Christ is the second person (hypostasis) of Trinity. Other Christian beliefs include Jesus' virgin birth, miracles, creation, etc. Although the doctrine of the Trinity is accepted by most Christian denominations, some groups reject it in whole or in part, unbiblical thinking.


Hezekiah was son of Ahaz - King of the Jews, one of the best representatives of the house of David. The Bible tells us that Hezekiah reigned in the third year of the reign of Israel (Samaria) Hosea king, that is, in 727 BC. Hezekiah was 25 years old and he ruled Judea 29 years. Thus, he was born in 752 BC and died in 698 BC, and lived for 54 years. Brought up under the influence of the prophet Isaiah, Hezekiah began to substantial reforms. Idolatry been eradicated (was destroyed Nehushtan even Moses), the temple worship and restored, as if to mark the restoration of the covenant with God, solemnly was celebrated Passover.


Ahaz the son of Jotham was a king of Judah. Reigned at the age of 20 and reigned in Jerusalem 16 years (2 Chron. 28: 1), so he has lived for 36 years. When Ahaz ruled Judah, there became increasingly common to obtain the Phoenician and Syrian cults, which caused outrage in Jerusalem priests and prophets. So he found a statue of Baal in Jerusalem. Therefore relevant to this king in the Bible is largely negative.


Cyrus II the Great is the Persian king, ruled 559 - 530 years BC, of the Achaemenid dynasty. The Jews called it Yahweh's anointed, on the basis of biblical prophecy in Isaiah, where "the anointed of Jehovah," won many people and ordered to rebuild Jerusalem and the Temple twice named named "Cyrus". Popularity personality Cyrus in ancient times was so great that he is credited with phenomenal abilities (for example, that he knew his men by name). Opponents also recognized his greatness, which confirms the Hellenic tradition. Despite the fact that the powerful state founded by Cyrus, for the next two centuries, represented a threat to Greece, later the Greeks spoke of him as a wise and just ruler.


Uzziah, who is also known as Azariah, was the son of Amaziah, the tenth king of the Jews from the house of David, reigned 52 years. Was a pious and God-fearing king, successfully fought against neighboring peoples, strengthened Jerusalem, had a standing army of more than 300 000 people, they re-armed and equipped with missiles. He died at the age of 68 years from the leprosy that had befallen him, according to the conviction of the chronicler, because lifted encroached on the priesthood.


Sennacherib was king of Assyria, rules about 705 - 680 years BC. Son of Sargon II. Sennacherib ascended the throne 12 Abbou (July - August) 705 BC. Unlike his father, he was a supporter of the war party, and to the priesthood and the citizens did not get along. In politics, a new king relied solely on brute force. During the life of Sennacherib appointed as his successor his youngest son Esarhaddon, which angered the older sons. 20 Tebet (January 10) 680 BC, during a visit to the temple of the god Ninurta in Kallham Sennacherib was murdered.


Rabshakeh (the chief butler) is the official name of the commander of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, who was sent with a letter to Hezekiah and the people of Jerusalem. He was accompanied by two other commanders, just named after their official position (one Rabsaris - chief of the eunuchs, and the other Tartan - an explanation of the name is unknown). Scripture says that the Assyrian army, led by former Rabsaris, in one night were destroyed and the remnants of an angel must have been ashamed to return to their land.

Bel and Nebo

Bel and Nebo were the two main deities of Babylon, as evidenced monuments of the era. Of the seven kings of the last dynasty of the three names include the name of Nebo (Nebuchadnezzar) and of the two – name Bel, or its synonym - Merodach (Belshazzar). The names of these same gods we find on the famous Cyrus Cylinder. Bel is the name of the ancient Babylonian god, one of the first triad (Anu, Bel and Ea), was subsequently identified with the later Assyrian god Merodach, or Marduk in the form of Bel - Merodach of Babylon worshiped direct patron. In honor of him in Babylon was built a special temple in the shape of a pyramid, which Strabo calls "the tomb of Bel”.

The One who comes up from Edom

This chapter is continuation of the prophet the same speech in which the Savior, or God has mercy, as it turns to the other party of his people, and God punishing appears. Question Who is it? in this undoubtedly messianic, context sounds rhetorically, because it is clear that here, as in the end of the previous chapter, it is one and the same person. Those to whom the question is how Winner majestically in the greatness of his power.
He that cometh from Edom, and from the capital of it – Bozrah, which are represent the whole pagan world and - more broadly - the whole world of evil, warring against God. (Recall that Edom or Idumea, is the country lying south-east of Israel, whose people, akin to the Jews (as descended from Esau, the brother of James, constantly, however, feuded with them, and God, therefore, was wicked).

Works Cited

Bandstra, Barry L. (2008). Reading the Old Testament: an introduction to the Hebrew Bible. Cengage Learning.
Cate, Robert L. (1990a). "Isaiah". In Mills, Watson E.; Bullard, Roger Aubrey. Mercer Dictionary of the Bible. Mercer University Press.

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