Free Essay On Law - Documentary Response Paper (Critical Film Review)

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Documentary, Government, Leadership, Politics, Constitution, Cinema, Dance, Film

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/11/22

Documentary Response Paper (Critical Film Review)

Dancing Around the Table, Part One
Part one of Dancing Around the Table is a documentary concerning the Conferences on the various constitutional rights of Aboriginal peoples in Canada. This documentary focused on the element of self-government. The documentary is about how these aboriginal peoples were attempting to negotiate their rights to self-government, as well as their constitutional rights. These individuals were especially expressing their feelings and concerns on how their resources were being misused and destroyed. The film was set in the years 1982 up to 1987 (Bulbulian).
Part, One of Dancing Around The Table, was sharing how the constitutional rights of the involved individuals were constantly overlooked , and various talks concerning the amending of this Constitution ignored. The aboriginals attempted explaining to the premiers and the Prime Minister at that time concerning how they had rights to the lands that were being destroyed as well as rights to that land for their families. As such, this documentary introduces the concept and theme of rights and freedom. That is, the Aboriginal peoples being talked about in the documentary are feeling some form of oppression and misrepresentation of those in leadership positions.
There is an element of expression where these individuals express how the self-governance was elemental for the communities in managing their affairs properly instead of being dependent on the federal government for incomplete schooling and handouts. There is also the concept of action where the Aboriginal peoples attempted developing an action plan for getting the youths out of the youths out of the prevailing situations that most individuals were experiencing (Bulbulian). These individuals provide explanations of how the government put most of the children in schooling and were removed from the system when they reached grade eight and put back on the reserves. These children put on the reserves lost crucial times with their family members and significant teachings on hunting and providing for the communities, which left them wholly dependent on the handouts of the government.
Various leaders attended the Constitutional talks that the documentary refers to. Nevertheless, hardly any of the Mi’kmaq leaders attended these talks. For this reason, it is evidence that the some of the leaders paid less attention to the issues raised by these Aboriginal peoples (Bulbulian). That is, the issue of misrepresentation and stakes of the leaders become vivid at this point. The documentary has an aspect that aspect that captures the audience that knew little concerning these talks. That is; it gives such an audience the opportunity to learn about the facts and elements that surrounded the concept of Constitution and the rights under the same.
Various characters in the documentary that stand out and they act as the core figures in that documentary. Some of these characters include the primers, and the Prime Ministers Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney. These individuals were elemental leaders that had the power to assist in producing positive outcomes. As such, this element suggests that films as well as other media through which information or arguments are formulated contain a central figure that is elemental for the argument. The responses of the national leaders to the various concerns and issues raised by the leaders on the issue of self-government most likely raised different feelings concerning the same (Bulbulian). For instance, one could feel that the assumptions of the national leaders were unfair, for instance they assumed that the aboriginals had inadequate knowledge of what was good for them as a people and how they drew assumptions that these people would not understand how to manage themselves, especially where incapable.
After watching the film, individuals who developed feelings, attitudes or perspectives about the responses or events in the films are also likely to develop similar or variant feelings. For instance, one could feel that the First Nations were treated poorly, which could only suggest a little respect shown to the religions and belief of other individuals. For this reason, such an individual is likely to develop indifference towards figures such as Trudeau who they would say showed little respect, especially during the prayers, which would be suggestive of the lack of reverence for the first nations. Consequently, the documentary was an educational medium and through it, individuals can realize how the first nations have passion for the title to the rights and lands. That is, they are patient to the policies of the government and express their desire to continue with negotiations for their rights.

Dancing Around the Table, Part Two

This documentary is a sequel to Part 1, and it encompasses the Constitutional negotiations with the natives of Canada between years 1983 and 1985. This documentary encompasses the final meeting between the native leaders of Canada and the first ministers (Bulbulian). Intercut between the debates and the speeches of the conference are portraits and images of the natives, which highlights the crucial significance the meeting has for the quest for self-government. There are various themes that Part Two of Dancing Around the Table presents. Some of these themes include representation and cinema, and racism and colonialism.
The theme of representation and cinema focuses on the different ways through which the Aboriginal individuals have been represented in the documentaries. There is an illustration in the documentaries of the evolution of the Aboriginal peoples over fifty years. The folkloric portrayal of the aboriginals is elemental because it provides the view of other people on them. Colonialism and racism are other themes presented in this documentary. The documentary shows the devastating effects of the colonialist policies by the Europeans on the Aboriginal peoples. In addition, it shows various racism acts in which there was victimization of the Aboriginal peoples. Information concerning benefits, land grants, and opportunities was withheld from the Aboriginal veterans (Bulbulian). The government persuaded the leaders of the First Nation to surrender the reserve lands subsequently sold to the veterans that were non-Aboriginal at cheap prices. This second documentary is mainly a reflection of the happenings that led to the emergence of the need for self-government. The discussion on this issue is affected by the facts dating back to the World War II, such as the issue of the Veterans.
In summary, the two documentaries all talk about the need for self-governance and constitutional rights by the aboriginal peoples. From the documentaries, these individuals felt oppressed and disrespected by the authorities in power. As such, they believe the only way that they can feel appreciated in the Canadian society is through self-governance. Moreover, the self-governance will be an avenue for them as well as other individuals who are non-aboriginals to understand and acknowledge their contribution to the society.

Works Cited

Dancing Around The Table. Dir. Maurice Bulbulian. Film.

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