Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Marketing, Management, Business, Manager, Products, Company, Project, Market

Pages: 8

Words: 2200

Published: 2023/02/22

Reflective Report & Evaluations

I will be a marketing manager after graduating from the University of Arizona at the end of this semester. According to the BLS, (Bureau of Labor Statistics), marketing managers earn an average mean salary of $129,870, so I expect a salary ranging from $125000-$130,000. The USA Bureau of Labor Statistics explains that the specialization in marketing management is likely to grow by 35% from 2015 to 2025.According to Glass Door, there are roughly 200 jobs in the marketing management field. I will be graduating in this semester, and after I graduate, I would love to get a job the management occupations. I am a strong team player and I enjoys overseeing large projects and making the tough decisions so I might be well suited for a management position. According to an employment survey from the US Department of Labor, the marketing manager is a good post and marketing managers are in charge of planning and they implement programs with the aim of generating interest in services and products. Marketing managers look for markets for the company's products and create strategies that help in maximizing profits and promote customer satisfaction.
The marketing managers collaborate with sales, public relations, and product development to ensure the success of each marketing program.The marketing manager assesses the demand for a company's products and services and helps the company to target its customers appropriately. Marketing management entails developing the appropriate price strategies for a company's products and services, and the pricing strategies aim at maximizing profits and increasing the market share of the company in the industry. As such, the marketing manager monitors the development stages of the product or service and identifies the trends that call for a change in the product development stages. The marketing manager creates, recommends and implements the marketing programs and promotes the products and services provided by a company. The marketing manager in charge of conducting marketing research and analyzing the findings in a bid to volume the company's core marketing strategy.
The marketing manager determines whether a company's product mix is adequate in terms of the product quality and brand name. The marketing manager formulates viable strategies to publicize the brand name of a company's products and as such ensures that the product do not have defects of any kind. The marketing manager focuses on three categories of products namely: core products, augmented products, and actual products. The major augmented product that should be focused on by a marketing manager is customer service, warranty, and accessibility. The marketing manager has a responsibility of ensuring that all customers receive excellent customer service, and this will increase the reputation of a company's products.
The marketing manager implements marketing principles that improve the strategic direction and performance of a company. The marketing manager conducts a comparative analysis with a company's competitors, and the comparative analysis focuses on the product, pricing, promotional and placement strategies. The marketing manager spearheads the benchmarking of all aspects after conducting a market research, and this improves the performance of a company. Additionally, the marketing manager plays the crucial role in analyzing the needs of customers in a particular market. The marketing instruments that are used by a particular company are determined by the marketing manager. The demand for a company's products are analyzed by the marketing manager then the relevant strategies are formulated to stimulate a high demand for the products.
The factors that may threaten a company’s penetration into a new market are studied by the marketing manager who reports to the senior management. The marketing manager studies threats such as economies of scale, operating efficiencies and the marketing efficiencies that exist in a particular market. The marketing manager recommends and implements strategies that will create strong relationships with a company and its customers.
The bargaining power of buyers in a market is analyzed by the marketing manager.The marketing manager focuses on factors that influence the buyers' bargaining power, and examples of such factors include switching cost and substitute products. The marketing manager assesses the chances a company has to integrate backward in order to increase its market share. The marketing manager identifies the substitute products that can easily substitute a company's products in a particular market, After identifying the substitute products, the marketing manager assesses their strengths and weakness then capitalizes of the weaknesses to attract more customers. The marketing manager is in charge of increasing the brand loyalty of customers towards the company's products.
The marketing manager helps in making crucial decisions that deal with a company's products. The product decisions deal with the product mix, product scope, product depth, product packaging, warranty services and product design. The factors that influence the pricing of the company's products such as price positioning, discounts, rebates and the conditions of payments are determined by the marketing manager. The marketing manager makes crucial decisions on the promotional method that publicize the products of the company. Examples of the promotional methods include public relations, advertising, internet, publicity and the brand policy. The distribution of products through various channels, the distribution density and the mode of transporting a company's products are determined by the marketing manager.
The marketing manager determines the dimensions that can be used to segment the target market. The segmentation dimensions include demographic, geographic and psychographic dimensions. The demographic dimensions focus on education, income levels, ethnicity, social background and cultural background.The geographic dimension focuses on the location of the target customers, and the psychographic dimensions deal with the target customer' lifestyle.
The marketing manager manages all the company's information that deals with the sales and marketing of the company products. The marketing manager prepares the marketing plan that guides the sales and marketing team to the completion of its activities. The marketing manager forecasts the anticipate market share and product sales that come up with the measures to achieve the targets. The interests of customers in the market are analyzed by the marketing manager who then takes the necessary activities to satisfy all the requirements. All the marketing strategies are formulated by the sales and marketing team under the guidance of the marketing manager. The marketing manager carries out strategic marketing actions and implements marketing controls that help a company to be competitive in the industry. All the customer relationships in a company are managed by the marketing manager. The marketing manager introduces loyalty programs that are meant to stimulate the sales of a company's products; therefore, the marketing manager helps in retaining the company's existing clients and introducing new ones as well.
All the customer support and service activities are spearheaded by the marketing manager and the activities help accompany to exceed the customers' expectations. The marketing manager spearheads a market research concerning the customers, and the market research plays a critical role in understanding the customers' habits, attitudes, incomes, education religion, and feelings. The methods of conducting the market research are chosen by the marketing manager.
The marketing manager introduces a market positioning strategy that helps the company to differentiate its products from those of rival companies. The marketing manager ensures that all the target market are catered for in the marketing mix.
The marketing manager develops the marketing campaigns that help in promoting a company’s ideas, services and products. Marketing management has many roles namely research, planning, sponsorship, advertising, distribution, public relations, product development, and events organization. Marketing managers can work in the public and private sectors dealing with finance, retailing, media and voluntary activities among others. The size and sector within which a company operates influences the marketing manager’s responsibilities and the responsibilities could be either increasing public awareness about a product/ service or selling a company’s products and services.
The marketing manager liaises and networks with various stakeholders such as suppliers, customers, employees, colleagues and other partner organizations. The marketing manager communicates with the company’s target customers and manages the relationship with customers. The marketing manager sources for the opportunities to advertise company products/ services and places advertisements in the local, national and regional press and the advertising media depends on the type of organization that the marketing manager works for. The marketing material such as DVDs, leaflets, e-newsletters, posters, and flyers are managed by the marketing manager. The production activities for the marketing materials such as designing, printing, photos shoots, distribution and updating the materials are overseen by the marketing manager. The marketing manager organizes and attends exhibitions, conferences, receptions and conferences .the marketing manager maintain and updates the customer bases. Sponsorships for marketing activities are sourced and secured by the marketing manager. The development of marketing strategies and marketing plans are overseen by the marketing manager, and all the marketing budgets are managed by the marketing manager as well. The efficiency of a company’s marketing campaigns is evaluated by the marketing manager and the competitors’’ activities are monitored by the marketing manager too. The company’s profits and market share are maximized through the marketing manager’s activities and as such, the marketing manager should be aware of the market and industry trends that affect the activities of the company.
The first path of advancing in the marketing field is beginning as sales manager. The sales managers should have a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and should have experience in sales representatives. So, given an opportunity I will work as sales manager after completing University, and this will help me to acquire the necessary skills in establishing goals, gathering market data and creating marketing program. The second d path entails working as a market research analyst, and this job will require me to make decisions on the products that will be sold to the consumers. The market research analyst should have a basic degree in Business Administration and good mathematical skills.

Quick facts about marketing managers

Preparation for the job market
A marketing manager should have a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration and those with masters in Business Administration have a competitive advantage in the job market. The marketing manager should have two years experience as either a sales representative or a marketing research analyst. The bachelor coursework deals with marketing, and it entails topics that deal with business law, management, finance, and economics. The marketing managers require internships experience after completing undergraduate studies. The marketing managers begin as internees, and they are promoted gradually from junior roles to senior roles depending on their performance. The marketing managers should be creative and as such they should generate new ideas that will improve the profitability and market share of companies. The marketing managers should have a decisive and competitive nature. The marketing manager requires good communication skills and should be fluent in because good communication with the relevant stakeholders leads to successful marketing.
I studied International Economy and Trade in the School of Economics at the Ocean University of China, among the best universities in China, and I completed in May 2009. My Cumulative GPA was 3.7, and it was un-weighted. The Relevant course work include; Theory International Trade; Shipping Introduction; Mid Level Spoken English; Principles Management; International Marketing; International Commercial Law; Economic Law; Probability Theory & Math Stats and Linear Algebra.
I have been studying Economy and Industry at the University Of Arizona, and I will complete the course in May 2015.My major GPA I 3.5 and it is un-weighted. The relevant course work that I covered in the Fall 2011, Spring 2012, and Spring includes: Basic Economic Issues; Statistical Inference in Mgmt; Cmptrs+Internet Society; Communication in Economics; Topics in Econ History of US; Inter Macroeconomics; Inter Microeconomics; Intro To Linear Algebra and Calculus II.
I worked for the CHENGXINDA Company, Qingdao from 06/01/2008 to 08/30/2008 as a Manager Assistant. My first responsibility was to work with Public & Private business and operation business. My second responsibility was to learn notes and simple operation procedure of counter Public & Private business. My third responsibility was to offer service and maintenance for customers and the lobby. My last responsibility was to conduct information maintenance and service of promoting products following customer manager and sales consultant.
I worked for FUDAO Company, Qingdao as from 02/2009 to 05/2009 as a Staff. My first responsibility at the company was to manage the front of house staff. My second responsibility entailed taking online, and phone call orders and prepare for delivery. My last responsibility was to conduct an end of day cash audit.
I worked for Bank of China, Qingdao Branch as from 05/2010 to 08/2010 as a Sales Assistance. My first responsibility was to recommend clients suitable investment project and financing product. My second responsibility was to answer the consultation of customers. My third responsibility was to guide customers to activate their account of e-bank. I was also in charge of other operation procedures, assisted manager in connecting with potential customers, etc
My first extra-curricular Activity was being the Program Planner of UA Chinese Student Club from 2009 to 2011.I helped plan Chinese Student Chinese New Year Festival and organized Field Trip for Chinese social activities. My second extra curricula activity was being in the Student Council, Ocean University of China, Qingdao as from 08/2005 to 08/2009.I successfully organized University Sports Meeting, Anniversary of the Founding of the Ocean University of China, New Year Party, Girl Festival, etc. My Volunteering Experience occurred during the Beijing Olympic games08/2008– 09/2008 and As a student volunteer I provided services to athletes.
I have Technology Experience, and I am familiar with a number of programs and applications including Microsoft Excel, Outlook, Word, and PowerPoint. My other experiences include Chinese Language, Photoshop, Piano (municipal-level award, Cert Ten, issued by China Conservatory of Music), Cello (municipal-level award, Cert Six, issued by China Conservatory of Music) and drama performances (First prize of National Undergraduate drama competition).I have Excellent communications skills because I took charge of the Girl Department of the Student Council and overcame many difficulties with my teammates during the activity planning and carrying out. Therefore, I feel I am prepared to enter the market.

Plans for the next year

I will look for practical experience in marketing management by volunteering in various companies. I will also look for internships at some companies, and this will equip me with the relevant experience and skills in marketing management. I will break into the marketing management job field by moving to places with companies that require marketing managers. I will use the bureau of statistics to determine the most viable acts that will guarantee by breaking in the job market. I have two contacts in the marketing management field, and the first contact is Mrs. Betty Lawrence, who is the marketing manager at CHENGXINDA Company. The second contact is Mr. Job Washington, who is the assistant a marketing manager at FUDAO Company. My contacts will help me by writing me recommendation letters that will help me in getting internships and volunteer vacancies.
The class work projects we undertook during the semester were very enjoyable and the help me to learn a lot of things. There was a lot of cooperation among my group members because we established agreements at the beginning of the semester and all the group members complied with them all through. The group members who could not comply with the agreements faced consequences such as paying penalties. All the group members regularly communicated and this improved the performance of the group as a whole. All the group members cooperated in completing the assigned tasks. The project equipped me with communication, cooperation and collaboration skills and as such I was a very active and participative team members. I learned a lot of things and as such I gained good observational, reflection and study skills. A summary of the skills I acquired from the class teamwork is presented in the table below.
I will apply the IT skills all the marketing activities. The IT skills I acquired during the project will help me to process and store marketing data and information. I will apply my IT skills in devising methodologies of changing the marketing data into information after conducting marketing research. The IT skills will improve the quality and efficiency of making marketing decisions. I will mine marketing data from the online sources using my IT skills, and the data will help me in marketing the products or services to the relevant audience.
The class teamwork created synergy and all the members cooperated towards completing the project. The class team work empowered me to cooperate with my team members and increased flexibility and responsiveness towards all issues that affect my career. The teamwork gave me a good and valuable experience because it promoted a sense of achievement in me. The projects help me to set direction in my careers and to share my vision with the team members who encouraged me to work towards achieving them. The establishment of goals for our team helped us to remain focused throughout the project duration. It is through the project, I learned how to create SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, and Realistic) goals about my career. T he collaboration with my group members helped my top gain focus towards achieving my career and academic goals.
There was efficiency in completing the project because the group members established systems that helped us in completing the project tasks quickly and efficiently. The team members contribute diverse idea concerning the project activities, and this helped us to formulate viable strategies on how to attain our career dreams. The support I received from my group members was instrumental towards realizing my potential in the job market. The group leader communicated about the objectives and vision of our group in a clear manner, and this help us to coordinate all the project activities efficiently and as such all the group members moved in a similar direction. The responsibilities and duties of the entire group members were defined clearly before the commencement of the project thus all the group members remained focused throughout the project duration.
I enjoyed collaboration with the group members because it helped us to solve problems amicably and to make good decisions. The collaboration encouraged me to give the bests contribution in the project; thus I was actively involved in all the project activities. The class team works equipped with the skills of building trust in group members, and this is significant for a marketing manager because it guides the manager on how to communicate and support various groups within an organization. The mutual trust that I developed with my group members will help me greatly in my future career life.
The interpersonal skills I gained from the class project improved my communication skills and increased my interaction skills with groups and individuals. The interpersonal skills are significant in my personal and professional lives because they guide me on how to deal with other people. Marketing managers should have positive interpersonal skills, so I think I am ready to handle the position well because I can communicate efficiently with clients, colleagues and customers. I got good time management skills through the class teamwork and as such, it will help me to complete all the market management activities in a timely manner.
It is through the class team work I understood the importance of qualifications in the marketing management job market. I understood that the employability skills play a crucial role in increasing the efficacy of a marketing manager. My team members enlightened me that professional experience is crucial for a marketing manager because it increases the productivity of the manager. I increased my effectiveness in the attainment of team and personal goals because of taking part in the class project. Since I was able to meet the group objectives and targets, I am fairly sure that I can fulfill all the duties of a marketing manager.

Peer Evaluation

Peer Evaluation/Kendal
Kendal was a cooperative member in the groups, and she coordinated most of the project activities. She reminded all the group members about their responsibilities in the project, and this ensured all the group members were updated and aware of the tasks. She reminded the group members about the direction and objectives of our project work. Through Kendal’s efforts, all the group members were in constant communication, and they made agreements through dialog. Kendall thought me about time management skills because she was always ahead of all the group members in terms of time management. Kendall prepared the slides for our project; thus she contributed greatly to the timely completion of our project.

Peer Evaluation/Ruth

Ruth was a cooperative and proactive group member. She participated well in the project work and carried out her assignments pretty well. She spent most of her time gathering information that helped us in completing our project. Ruth is very intelligent; thus she contributed a lot of ideas when we were preparing our project report. She contributed her ideas and was very clear when it come to expressing her opinions. She was very kind to all the other group members and valued their contributions in the project work. Ruth has good communication and presentation skills, and she was of much help when it came to presenting our project in class. She helped me to master good communication and presentation skills.

Peer Evaluation/Robert

Robert was a very creative and innovative group member. She came up with viable suggestions that helped us to complete our project in a timely manner. Robert was very calm, and whenever there were disagreements among team members, he could moderate the situation. Robert taught me the importance of being calm and composed in tense scenarios and as such it enhanced my professional skills. Robert listened to all the group members’ contributions and did not shut down the group members whenever they were in the process of expressing themselves.

Project Planning and Delivery

This project offered me the most thrilling and eye-opening experience in my entire academic life. I did not have any idea of what I could do with my life after graduating. However, after completing the project I know what I want, and I will work hard to achieve my carrel dreams and goals. The project has helped me to reflect and meditate on my future life. The project has helped me to identify trends and patterns in the marketing management field, and I have learned a lot of lessons as well. However, I had a challenge in creating professional deliverables that could help me in the marketing management profession. It is through the help of the group members that I was able to develop the deliverables. The project helped me to acquire creative thinking and collective thinking skills because I had to collaborate with my group members at all project stages. Accordingly, I gained positive educational experience through the project.
The research about my future career has provided me with the chance to prepare for my life after school and it has helped me to figure out how I will meet my expectations and how I will be accountable for them. I have curriculum vitae that will help me in the look of a volunteer job or internship a soon as I graduate. I understand all the requirements for a marketing manager, and this will guide me towards being a great marketing manager. My reflections on the class project have prepared me for the life after University, and I am ready to break into the job market as soon as I finish my last examination this semester.

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"Good Essay About Job Market." WePapers, Feb 22, 2023. Accessed March 07, 2025. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/good-essay-about-job-market/
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Good Essay About Job Market. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/good-essay-about-job-market/. Published Feb 22, 2023. Accessed March 07, 2025.

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