Good Thus, The Diverse Pros And Cons Of Reporting To The Top Management Include: Case Study Example

Type of paper: Case Study

Topic: Harassment, Sexual Abuse, Management, Sexual Harassment, Workplace, Effective, Lincoln, Evaluation

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/12/17

Investigating Sexual Harassment

The notion of sexual harassment is a highly archaic and implausible vice that should not prevail within the society. As such, from the evaluation of US there are diverse legislations that construed towards discouraging individuals from the act. However, it is imperative to acknowledge that there are still few individuals that undertake the act. Most specifically, women, to a larger extent have been suffering from the notion of sexual harassment in their work places. Male colleagues that view the empowerment of women as intolerable sexually harass women in their work places. Thus, this paper will examine the concept of sexual harassment at work through the analysis of Ms. Lincoln and lay forth the most plausible solution or action she can undertake.

Write three possible alternative course actions

First and foremost, in US the equal employment opportunity commission lays forth detailed description of what denotes sexual harassment and the diverse approaches that an employee can inculcate towards mitigating the vice. However, it is imperative that Ms. Lincoln views the approach that the management undertakes towards mitigating the vice prior to reporting the case to the EEOC. Thus, from the evaluation of the case, the diverse course actions include:
Ms. Lincoln can report the issue to the management. Through reporting to the employer, the management will determine whether the harassment occurred. From the analysis of the harassment and a plausible investigation, the management can undertake immediate measures towards stopping the harassment. Through an immediate action, the management can ensure that the act does not occur again. Disciplinary measures in the organization should be proportionate to the seriousness of the offenses done on Ms. Lincoln. The management should also correct the evident effects of the harassment through restoring the leave taken because of harassment and expunging the evident negative evaluations within the employee personnel file that emanates from the harassment (David 90).

Will safeguard the public image of the organization through internal handling of the issue
It is effective towards ensuring that one of the parties does not feel vindicated since the sexual harassment case is managed internally


May result into animosity among the parties in the instance that preference by the top management prevails
The top management may not handle the sexual harassment case professionally due to non-evident structure towards management of sexual harassment
As the second option, Ms. Lincoln should undertake a more negotiation approach with the Mr. Booth. The negotiation approach should entail sitting with Mr. Booth and a third party towards discussing the conflict at hand. A negotiation approach should denote the use of a neutral party. The neutral party should evaluate the issues raised. Through an analysis of the issues raised, effective management of the conflict is bound to prevail. Negotiation denotes setting forth the way out and mitigating the issue without taking side. Effective negotiations will lay forth proper policies and operational mandates (David 90).

A negotiation approach above exudes the following pros and cons:


The neutral party is non-partisan thus the concept of transparency and effective analysis of the case is highly prevalent

Negotiation enables an open environment towards information relay among the parties

It is not the final approach and effective since an individual can seek further options

Negotiations do not provide long term solutions thus non effective
As the third course action, Ms. Lincoln should consult the equal employment opportunity commission. The use of the commission is highly effective towards ensuring third party analysis of the prevailing issues. EEOC provides the standard of liability pertaining to the decisions regarding harassment. As such, the commission should be highly effective in the instance that the management does not take the necessary steps. The EEOC provides the necessary elements towards effective control and minimization of sexual harassment through laying forth the following standards prior to evaluation of the case:

The management failed to exercise credible care towards prevention and correction of the harassing behavior

The employee within the unreasonable mandate failed to take advantage of the evident privative or corrective opportunities provided by the management towards avoidance of harm
Through an in-depth evaluation of the two aspects circumventing the harassment, the EEOC can evaluate the various aspects circumventing the case as per Ms. Lincoln. Ms. Lincoln stating the misdeeds by Mr. Booth, she should consult the local EEOC office. Consultation with the local office will enable Ms. Lincoln to have a third party overview of the harassment. Third party view of the harassment case is bound to generate effective control and mitigation of the case.

It is highly effective since it provides long term solutions

In-depth investigation is mandatory thus effective and plausible outcomes

The approach is highly time consuming

Interferes with organizational privacy thus resulting into implausible public image
Write justification/explanation
Third party analysis denotes transparency and more comprehensive evaluation of the issues without partisan approach. Opting for the EEOC strategy entails the local office personnel evaluating and examining the issues and making diverse recommendations without a more bipartisan mandate (David 90).
EEOC provides an effective and well laid out plans pertaining to evaluation of sexual harassment. As such, the well laid out structure towards management and tackling of harassment will ensure that the management where Ms. Lincoln works will incorporate the structures towards mitigation of sexual harassment.
EEOC will ensure effective monitoring and analysis of sexual harassment hence plausible ripple effects on the organization. As such, the EEOC will constantly monitor the progress in the organization towards elimination of sexual harassment and ensure plausible outcomes.
However, the main disadvantage of the EEOC approach is that it is Time consuming (Sharma 51). Undertaking the EEOC approach is time consuming due to the process of complaint handling and investigation. Effectiveness towards handling the sexual harassment case in a fast and efficient manner is not prevalent as per the course action.


Sexual harassment is highly impactful on the performance and self-morale of an employee. Thus, it is highly imperative that the organization undertakes the necessary steps towards eliminating the vice. From the above evaluation, Ms. Lincoln should undertake consultations with the EEOC for effective mitigation of sexual harassment.

Works Cited:

David J. Walsh, Thompson. Employment law for human resource practice. New York: Academic series. 2012.
Sharma, S. K. Human resource management: A strategic approach to employment. New Delhi: Global India Publications. 2011.
Sparrow, P. Handbook of international human resource management: Integrating people, process, and context. New York: John Wiley & sons. 2010.
Storey, J. Human resource management: A critical text. Chicago: Cengage Learning. 2012.

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