Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Sociology, Social Responsibility, Responsibility, Corporation, Company, Society, Exercise, Concept

Pages: 1

Words: 275

Published: 2020/11/16

Social Responsibility and Organizational Science: A Newly Formed Marriage

Social responsibility is based on the concept of forming mutual operationality between society and the businesses. The companies have to engage for the purpose of communal betterment because firstly, the setup is taking raw materials from the social systems, and then the corporate works in order to add value to the inputs so that they can be converted into finished products (Abagail and Siegel, 119). The company’s outlets se the generated items in order to earn substantial returns. The principle of social exchange guides the philosophy of social responsibility because the societies are providing raw materials in order to feed the production cycle of the companies. They have to give something back to the community in order to create goodwill and confidence amongst the public so that they can entrust the corporate sector again during the next business cycle.
However, with the passage of time, researchers have come to acknowledge the possibility to treat the system of social responsibility as yet another tool of marketing the victories of the companies. The FedEx is engaged along with famous organizations those have a purpose to increase the efficiency of power sources all around the world. The courier service provider is committed towards environmental betterment and soothing so that the damage to ozone and natural habitat of the planet can be minimized. The Environmental Defense and Conversation International is the partner of the afore-discussed company (Auld, Bernstein and Cashore, 419), and its specific focus is diverted towards the achievement of integrative functioning of green power at FedEx.
The Ben & Jerry is using Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) as a marketing weapon to promote their image in the global market. The customer services are providing key aspects of social activism in the organization. The objective of the corporation is to generate financial returns. However, the organizational greed is consuming the very body of social responsibility because the capitalistic mindset is applying it in order to accomplish its goals of wealth creation that is indeed aggravating the level of social and economic disparity in the nations. Communal work is based on the notion of providing help to the masses in the process of attaining spiritual growth. The conquest of social work cannot be fully met without the practice of socialistic love, and social responsibility is turning into a vicious practice because its application is rather selective in nature that does not operate at the holistic level of the society. The initiatives in this regard are made to look like as if they are working for the betterment of the society, but in the real sense, the organizations are applying them in order to enhance their profitability. The FedEx is considering the conversion to green energies in order to drive down its energy bills that will in turn cause the margins to increase. The Ben & Jerry is trapping the customers by sporting the illusive concept of social activity because in this way, the customers will feel motivated to do business with a civically responsible company, and therefore, more buyers create more money. Based on the whole discussion, one can fearlessly argue that the corporate world inkstands the language of finance more than anything.

Works Cited

Abagail, McWilliams and Donald Siegel. "Corporate Social Responsibility: A Theory of the Firm Perspective." The Academy of Management Review 26.1 (2001): 117-127. Online.
Auld, Graeme, Steven Bernstein and Benjamin Cashore. "The New Corporate Social Responsibility." Annual Review of Environment and Resources 33.1 (2008): 413-435. Online.

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Paper Essay Samples. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/paper-essay-samples/. Published Nov 16, 2020. Accessed October 27, 2024.

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