A Day In The Life Of Raj Essay Examples

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: England, India, People, Family, Education, Colonialism, Colonization, Parents

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Published: 2020/12/27

Several tribesmen are sitting in front of a very powerful and strong person. The people are admiring the knowledge of that strong person and listening to him with great concern. The people seem to be having complete trust in this person. Suddenly, everything vanishes and the person is left alone with no power. I woke up to realize that this all was a dream. The people were tribesmen of the earlier time who were fond of their chief who happened to be my father. My father was the chief person of the tribe. As the chief of the tribe were really valued of, and he had a control over several territories. My father also had his own policemen and maintained the rules regulation of the tribe himself. He used to be decisive for various tribal disputes. People used to look after him for suggestions.
However, the beginning of the British colonial era dramatically changed the status of my father as the chief. The British commenced to colonize themselves in the parts of India in order to acquire more power of the land of the India and get useful commodities from the land. Moreover, they used the Indians as slaves for their benefits. For the same purpose, they took away the power from the chief of tribes. My father being the chief no longer had the power to make the rules. Instead, he had to report the British regarding the work handled by the tribesmen. Furthermore, they were subjected to maintain the discipline among the tribesmen on behalf of the British. The chief retained only few authorities which involved keeping their lands and putting them on rent. The chief lost the power, therefore, were not allowed to shift the cultivators and move from one place to another (Martin, 1851). Consequently, the tribesmen were not living happily, and they could not enjoy their traditional functions. This was really affecting my father, and I have seen him grieving over this. The British colonial era came with several other changes in the life of the Indians. In particular, the life of tribesmen changed completely. The British had a mindset to gain the useful things from India while keeping the Indians deprived of their own treasure of their land. The forests were the source of good timber and hence, the British took power of the forests and claimed it to be the government property (Smith, 2007). The aim and objectives of the British were to earn from the timber as the timber of India was considered to be the best in the world. The British were keen to get the advantage from India and its people that they made the people living in the forests continue to lie there. I remember one of my friends who lived in the village of the forests. He used to narrate me his story of hardships. The British have forced these people to cheap labor into the forests in order to collect the wood for acquiring timber. Moreover, the people were prohibited from getting any fruits from the forests and hunting the animals. Consequently, the people in the forests were forced to live there and faced many consequences. Similarly, the silk produced by India was in demand from the European countries. Subsequently, the British had paved the way to gain the Indian silk and export it to Europe and take the benefit of this trade (Spear, 1990). In order to fulfill these personal greed and objectives, the British have developed the colonial era in which they can rule over the India and use the people of India.
The British have made steps to interfere the lives of the people of India. They had made amendments to the law and order along with the court. The English law was imposed in India which included the new codes of crime and civil procedures. The British wanted to set the stable records which can be easily verified. In order to do so, the registration for births, deaths, marriages, properties, adoption, and wills was made necessary. The people of India were against the rule of India. Consequently, the British had faced the failure because the people of India rejected to accept these terms. The Muslims and Hindus both were involved in arguing the British decisions. The people of India rejected the registration processes because it can disregard the privacy of female. The other Indians just like the tribesmen were particular about their females in the family and were conservative in this aspect. The situation of the state and turned to be very dangerous, people was developing hatred for the British and was trying to oppose the British. The Indians were rigid and firm in the matter of their family values and customs. These values cannot be changed very easily.
Likewise, the education ground was not saved in the era of British colonization. The British brought new education system in India in order to educate the people of British who is living in the colony. The education institutions were constructed. Hence, the institutions could have given the advantage to the Indian people as well. I was acquiring education at that time and before the British colonial era, the education was provided to all children regardless of their religion and belonging. The medium of teaching was the Indian languages, and the Indian culture and religions were considered significant for the education. I was also studying the religion and different languages which prevailed in the Indian culture. Conversely, the British colonization brought the useful learning concept which focused on the English language (Sharma, 2015). Thus, English became the medium of instructions. Consequently, the Indians prevented their children from going to school in order to prevent them from British culture. Since, British have intentionally included certain subjects which determine the British rule hence, they used education for the conduction of their rule for the coming generations. Like other parents, I was too prohibited to study the subjects and despite having passion for education, I had to leave my education. This was the case with many children of my age and now being grown up we feel the importance of education in our life. This was leading to the backwardness of the Indian society . Therefore, the Indian people have now commenced the remodeling of the education to provide the benefit to their children in the future.
The British soon after their colonization in India realized that the communication and technology are not capable to handle the trade from India to Europe. Subsequently, they introduced the new infrastructure for their own need with rail and roads networks (Fernández-Armesto, 2009). Also, to enhance the trade and commerce in order to extract the valuable goods from the India, they construct factories. The assets of India were all transferred to the British gradually. The main objective of the British was to gain advantage from the resources of India and was not concerned regarding the people of India. The world was changing constantly, but we as the people of India were at a halt because the movement was under the control of British. Ultimately, the Indian country remained standing at the same position or moved backward due the British colonization. The backwardness, poverty, lack of education, diseases elevated in the India as the result of the British colonization whose main motive was to acquire the worthy Indian resources. The British have taken full advantage of our land and made our own people slaves. The unconcern attitude of the British was predicted by my father. He was the man who tried to oppose the British rule, but the lack of support from other people of India discouraged him. Since, the Indians were capable to prosper because they possessed more talent. My father used to say that we have the strength which is advantageous for the prosperity of the country, but the British colonization of this land has ruined the talent. My father was very disappointed with the circumstances of his fellowmen, and he died in his grief.
Today, I am no more a child who cried at his father’s death, but I am an adult who understands the consequences which an individual has to face if they are raising their heads against the British. Hence, the British colonization will continue unless some major steps are taken by the leaders I to eradicate them from our land.

Work Cited

Fernández-Armesto, Felipe. The world: a history: combined volume. Vol. 2. Pearson College Div, 2009. Retrieved from http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?index=books&linkCode=qs&keywords=9780136061496 on 21st March 2015.
Martin, Robert Montgomery. The British colonies; their history, extent, condition, and resources. 1851. Retrieved from http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?tn=British+Colonies on 21st March 2015.
Sharma, Shridhar. Psychiatry, Colonialism and Indian Civilization: A Historical Appraisal. Indian Journal of Psychiatry 48.2 (2006): 109–112. PMC. Web. 21 Mar. 2015. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2913558/ on 21st March 2015.
Smith, F. Todd. How the Indians Lost Their Land: Law and Power on the Frontier–By Stuart Banner. Historian 69.2 (2007): 317-318. . Retrieved from http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?index=books&linkCode=qs&keywords=9780674020535on 21st March 2015.
Spear. P. The History of India. Penguin Books. Retrieved from http://www.amazon.com/gp/search?index=books&linkCode=qs&keywords=9780140138368 on 21st March 2015.

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"A Day In The Life Of Raj Essay Examples," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 27-Dec-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/a-day-in-the-life-of-raj-essay-examples/. [Accessed: 27-Jul-2024].
A Day In The Life Of Raj Essay Examples. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/a-day-in-the-life-of-raj-essay-examples/. Published Dec 27, 2020. Accessed July 27, 2024.

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