Free Essay On Paramus Kindercare Ecers

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Family, Children, Education, School, Students, Time, Teacher, Item

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/11/09

Early Childhood Environmental Rating is a set of scales used to measure the programs within a preschool-kindergarten, which caters for children from 2 years to 5 years. The scale sums up to 43 items, divide in 7 subscales, which revolve around the surrounding of the school. It starts from the classroom to the staff, parents, children, materials, activities, and the environment. The purpose of the scale is to gauge how good a school is set in terms of providing efficient education to the children, relationship with the parents, and meeting set educational regulations. The rating was put in place to standardize the early childhood education and ensure that all the children have equal educational knowledge. The rating scale measures between 1 and 10. 1 implies a weak to none existence of the item and 10 implies a strong existence of the item. Getting a 5 and above is a good sign since it shows there is a small portion required in improving the sector.
The paper looks into Paramus KinderCare, one of the local schools in the area most recommended by parents. The reason behind choosing this school is the amount of information that one can collect and prove whether it meets the rating or not. The school caters for children between the age of 3 and 7. It centers on giving children a first glance on education and future expectations. The children were 100 in total and classified in three levels. The first one was year one which had 28 children. It has one teacher and two assistants whose main work was to look after the children. The children in the level were between 3 and 4 years.
The next level was year 2, which had 35 children. The class had two streams to cater for the number of children. Each class had one teacher but a supervisor took care of both classes. The supervisor ensured that both classes had equal amount of learning and activities. The last class was year 3, which had 37 children. Just like year two, it had two streams. Each class had one teacher but did not have a supervisor like the year two. The other members of staff include a grounds man, two cooks, a matron, a secretary, and the principal. In total, the number of staff amounted to 14 people. The number was enough to cater for the whole school.
The data collected was because of 3 hours of sleep study of what goes about the school. It was between the time they go to lunch and going home. As per the Early Childhood Environmental rating, it required observance of the teachers with the parents of the children. The spacing in the classroom was adequate to cater for easier and calm learning. Though the school has a large population, the children comfortably sat inside the rooms. There was enough space for the teacher and a play area for the children. The rooms had adequate room for placing books and toys in one corner. The setting ensured no child tripped while moving from one place to the other. In the item, the school gets a score of eight.
In terms of personal care routines, the teachers ensured the class was tidy at all times. The year one was the best class since the assistants were up and down ensuring that all children were clean and changed. They had a routine chart that showed them what time they ought to do an activity. Apart from that, the assistants showed discipline in how they handled the children. Overall performance in the item is a 9. In terms of listening, talking, and interaction, the teachers seem to have a hard time with the children especially in instructing them. At one time, there was chaos between a year two child and the teacher. However, it was not the teachers fault since the child was a bit stubborn. However, there are easier ways to handle such situations.
Interaction between the teacher and the parents was excellent. The teachers spent a few minutes with each parent who came to pick up their child. As per their faces, all seem well and the parents were happy afterwards. In terms of interaction with the children, the best score is 6 because despite the rules set in the school, most teachers had a problem following them. They overstepped even when there was a different option of working things out.
In terms of activities, the school had scheduled times that the children used for playing. In the year one class, children had play toys, which the teachers used for teaching them. The activities helped them familiarize with the various objects around them. In the year two classes, the children shared stories among them or used various objects such as plaster sine to model objects they see in their day-to-day life. The year three went to the zoo, nearby business premises and higher learning centers. The trips helped the young ones to familiarize themselves with their surrounding environment. It acted as an exposure to the exterior environment. In the particular item, the best score is an eight since there are a few areas the school could improve on.
The school program has a well-structured curriculum and co curriculum. It starts at 9 and end at 3. The time is enough for the teacher and student to get to interact. The time is efficient for young minds since they cannot grasp a lot of information. However, the time spent playing is more than the time spent reading hence the children do not get to cover the full curriculum. In the item, a score of 7 since it needs drastic change in the said area.
In conclusion, the Paramus KinderCare School stands to its reputation in the community. Indeed, it meets most of the requirements set by the ECERS. However, the school needs to look into the various faults within its system and come up with better solution.

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