Good “Religion And Morality” Argumentative Essay Example

Type of paper: Argumentative Essay

Topic: Ethics, Virtue, Morality, Guilt, Religion, Understanding, Concept, Duty

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/11/03

Question One: Can there be only one concept of virtue

No. It is not possible to have one concept of virtue in world of philosophy and creative thinking, particularly with the insight of diverse reasoning of various philosophers. The simple understanding of the concept of virtue as the belief of doing what is positive to self and the society. As Murdoch puts it, the understanding of concepts, especially the attributed tenets such as the diverse living conditions which individuals experience. For instance, in cases of persons living under fear, anger, frustration and deprivation, the concept of virtue may change to imply rigidity and priggishness. This element brings in the challenge of applying the concept in a universal manner. This follows that, a perceived virtue that cannot be universal ends up being not a virtue and this explains the concern as to why the concept of virtue cannot be directed towards one direction or point of understanding. Different impacts of life issues on persons form the foundation of a diversionary view of the concept of virtue. However, the majority believe in one common understanding of virtue as all elements of positivity. For instance, as indicated by Murdoch understanding the essence of duty and performing as required dos not imply that the actor is a virtuous man or he has done a virtuous act.

Question Two: Why is virtue different from duty?

As discussed by Murdoch, virtue is not inclined to the common understanding of positivity and well behaved, however, the divisionary perceptions of great philosophers makes the audience to think outside the universal limits. Murdoch illustrates that duty is in-depth understanding of an individual of his obligation to perform what is required of him/her at a particular time, either regularly or irregularly. The performance of duty cannot be termed as similar to virtue. Virtue is different from duty because of the nature and drive that propels the two. The natural understanding and conscience of living justly and positively derives virtue, whereas duty is driven by the obligatory trend, which governs a particular society. Of more importance in explaining this aspect, is that individuals performs their duties without any knowledge of religious beliefs, whereas embracing of virtue may be influenced by the religious beliefs since they are both interconnected in the world of positivity. Duty is performed with much ease and it can be called off, however; for the case of virtue a sense of commitment is requisite.

Question four: Does religion foster good behavior more than nonreligious idealism does?

No. In answering this question, an understanding to the diverse perceptions of religious beliefs and idealism inclined to the non- religiousness needs to be explored. The mention of a religious background in any platform in most cases stirs some sense of reasoning inclined to the fear of a supernatural being. However on the other hand, arguing from the point of nonreligious idealism does not elicit any sense of fear, instead it creates interest of learning more. To defend this assertion, the Murdoch explains how criminals with religious backgrounds commit crimes, however, the fact remains that the concept of religious beliefs in their lives some time can change their character because, religion walks with us, making it associated with good morals. In addition, Murdoch asserts that religion is a symbol of high morals since its teachings enlightens its followers to do right not only to humanity but also to God. Following of these teachings is a replica of the good moral standing in the society. On the other hand, idealism does not walk with us. It is imaginable and until substantiated from various perspectives, it remains well understood by the owner of the idea. In essence, the religion is a significant foster of good behavior in the lives of humanity.

Question 5: How does guilt relate to morality?

The relationship between guilt and morality is attributed to the causes of these two aspects. In the world of moral religious continuum, all humanity exists and as the Christians confess of their Christianity backgrounds and goodness of morals attributed to their beliefs, the sinners feels guilt due to their sinful nature, they feel to be reborn into new beings. It is evident that guilt is elicited by mention or practicing morality. In essence, it is until a morally upright person confesses of the value of morals that the immoral feels guilt, otherwise guilt and morality are silent until displayed and defended. The other aspect that relates guilt with morality is God. Whereas the idea of repentance is understood as the way to living a morally upright manner, God’s forgiveness is fundamental in eliciting guilt of sinners and compels them to accept Him, even those individuals with incurable guilt. This implies that God’s power keeps the Christians in the morally upright path, while it gets the sinners from their sinful nature and cures them of their guilt of sin. In essence, the guilt and morality relates to each other under the strong foundation of inner perception and God’s power, which overshadows all powers including the incurable guilt.

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