Good Supportive Communication Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Skills, Motivation, Perception, Employee, Workplace, Theory, Brain, Psychology

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/11/28

There are numerous factors that are impactful on the supportive interactions which are inclusive of aspects of supportive communication, the interaction context and the recipient. Thus, the notion of supportive communication is highly applicable within the social and business environment towards effective performance and interaction. Thus, this paper focuses on the analysis of the supportive communication theories and their application within the work environment as a manager.

Interpersonal cognitive complexity theory

The interpersonal cognitive complexity theory is a theoretical framework towards determination of the characteristic behavior that an individual exudes (Elearn 75). As such, the interpersonal cognitive complexity theory describes an individual that is stable. Furthermore, the individual exudes disparity within the ability to represent and process social information that is inclusive of messages. Cognitive complexity individual has a more differentiated abstract and organized constructs in the processing of social information thus exude a heightened social perception skill (Elearn 75). The extensive research that has been undertaken by diverse pundits denotes that cognitive complexity individuals can generate sophisticated and helpful information in tackling diverse tasks within both the societal and business framework. Sharpness in conduct of activities or tasks is evident within the interpersonal cognitive individual and the perception of diverse aspects. Thus, the analysis of the cognitive complexity theory, the prospect of heightened perception skills is evident. Individuals with cognitive complexity are highly motivated and pivotal towards successful outcomes within organizational and societal environment. Through their heightened perception skills, plausible outcomes are extensively evident in the operational mandate.

Application within the work environment

Cognitive complexity is highly applicable within the work environment. Thus, from the examination of the work environment, perception skills are highly imperative within the teamwork mandate of an organization. Working as a manager, it was imperative that teams were set in place towards accomplishment of given goals or objectives at hand. Thus, towards sustenance of effective performance, it was imperative that the teams set forth had individuals that were sharp and highly effective in their perception skills. Thus, as an individual operating within the diverse teams, the analysis of the diverse members laid forth. Hence, through the cognitive complexity theory, it was imperative to incorporate a more in-depth analysis of the perception skills of the team members to ensure that effective outcomes are evident within the task at hand. Furthermore, individual analysis in regards to perception skills was imperative as a manager. Perception of the organizational objectives, goals, targets and so forth was imperative. Furthermore, it was imperative to lay forth effective personal development plan regarding the growth of perception skills. My skill levels are moderate in regards to sharpness and perception of the diverse roles at hand. Hence, it is imperative that I invest into diverse approaches such as:

Undertaking further courses towards improvement of individual skills and knowledge

Participating into teamwork for further interaction and improvement of skills
Incorporating participative decision making to acknowledge individuals that exude plausible perception skills
Thus, through the cognitive complexity theory, it is highly imperative in acknowledging the individuals that exude capability in their perception skills. Through the evident individuals, plausible performance is bound to prevail within the organizational mandate.

Dual process theory

The dual process theory purposes that individuals are more inclined to analyses and evaluate given information. As such, the message content or information is evaluated through the inculcation of a more motivational approach towards plausible outcomes. Thus, the research that has been undertaken towards comprehension of the dual process theory reveals that motivation is pivotal towards ensuring effective communication. The dual process theory provides an avenue for the prediction of the interactive influences of ability and motivational variables towards determination of the extent of message processing (Elearn 75). Thus, within the work environment, it is imperative for a manager to possess proper motivational skills. Through effective motivation skills, individuals that exude the dual process theory characteristics can be motivated effectively for successful outcomes. From my individual perspective, I exude heightened motivational skills. However, within the work environment, it is imperative that as a manager proper motivational approach is evident to ensure heightened performance.
Application within the work environment
Improvement of individual motivation skills and those of the employees is an aspect of concern within the organizational facet of operations. As such, reduction in motivation among employees leads to slack in performance among employees which is highly impactful on the performance and revenue yield of an organization. Thus, as a work based problem within the performance mandate of an organization, improvement of motivation skills can be undertaken through:
transparency and open communication among employees and top managers
Transparency is highly effective within the performance sphere of an organization. Through transparency in operations, the management ensures effective information access to the employees on the various initiatives undertaken by the management (Kumar 28). Employees that comprehend the various organizational initiatives inculcate various approaches towards meeting the targets set within the organizations. Additionally, transparency within the organization necessitates cohesion in performance since employees comprehend the targets set and activities to meet them and are motivated towards successful outcomes.
extensive investment into teamwork among employees
Teamwork is highly imperative towards handling the conflicts that emanate among employees. Through teamwork, employees comprehend their roles and conflicts are handled within an individualized mandate (Kumar 28). Teamwork’s provide an environment in which plausible analysis of conflicts is undertaken to generate the plausible way forth and employees can motivate each other towards plausible outcomes.

Works Cited:

Kumar, A. Personal, academic and career development in higher education: Soaring to success. New York: Taylor & Francis. 2008
Elearn, A. Managing yourself revised edition. London: Routledge. 2012

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