Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Technology, Information, Internet, Development, Study, Relationships, Students, Management

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2020/11/25

Technology is a term that has been of great importance of late. There are many issues and developments that have been seen to be taking place with the use of technology. Many philosophers and historians have been concerned about the development of the term and how it has grown to be of significant importance in the world. The word technology has got a new meaning and dimension with the merging of engineering and technology to mean the same thing. This paper will focus on the developments of technology and how my relationships with technology has been developed.
Technology has been important to me as a student. The relationship and the attachment that I have had with technology as a student is invaluable. I believe that I have been able to benefit from the use of technology in the context and the use of the term for a long period. Technology to me has been anything that makes use of a gadget to make work easier (Karapanos 72). An example is the use of mobile phones to call my contacts, instead of writing letters. The use of technology has been in existence and improvements for a long period. There are many enhancements that have been made with the use of technology. I have gotten attached to technology so that anything that would enable me to achieve some task with little effort will be a favorite for me. I am always in search for these options. Web-based technologies have been beneficial for me because of the benefits that have come with the use of these new technologies. I have always believed that we should not be tied tone place when undertaking something. I have always struggled to ensure that I get the best use of technologies that have been developed.
I have a strict and close relationship with technology, especially when I am supposed to do a task which will have to be referred to in the future. My attachment to technology also comes when I am undertaking a recurrent task. I always strive to ensure that I understand what needs to be done and have the necessary skills that will enable me to work on the skills that I have developed. One area that I have been attached to technology has been in data and information management. I have always ensured that I make use of the latest technologies so that most of the processes are simplified in the entire process. I always use technology to simplify my information processing procedures. I ensure that technology simplifies this process as much as possible. I find web-based solutions as the most reliable and efficient because of the mobility that they offer. With the Google drive which has been useful, it has helped me to manage data and information more efficiently and reliably.
I believe that technology is anything that has enabled me do things in a different way. Initially, I used to walk around with diskettes and CDs that I would use to store information. I find that the use of technology has been useful in this aspect because I have been able to have better ways and means of managing data and information in the entire world (Meisel 91). Since there has been a new way where there is the use of cloud computing to store and manage information, I find this as a new way in which technology has been useful in the entire process. I have been looking for better ways in which technology will help organize my data and information in the entire process.
I have also been related to technology in my social life. Initially, I used to use crude methods in order to know my friends and what they were doing at the moment. As a students, I am able to get friends who are studying the same things like I am studying and we are able to work towards the same course of studies in order to achieve the same results. It has helped us to manage our discussions as we have been able to get content and schedule discussion groups online. This is also the benefit that we have been able to get from the use of internet resources in order to enhance our studies (Murphy, Walker, and Webb 162). We have been able to ensure that there is content and materials that will help us study. With the use of the internet and the rich information that is found on the internet, we have been able to ensure that there is an understanding of the classwork. With more research that is done on the internet, we have been able to get other information that has helped us to enhance our studies.
In conclusion, technology has been useful in my relationships and in my studies. I am now able to get information regarding my friends, family and students. I am now able to understand the concepts that are being taught in class. With the use of technology, I find most of the tasks that used to take a lot of energy and time have been achieved with much ease.

Works Cited

Karapanos, Evangelos. "Beyond Experience Sampling: Evaluating Personal Informatics with Technology-Assisted Reconstruction." arXiv preprint arXiv:1207.1821 (2012).
Meisel, William. "The Personal-Assistant Model: Unifying the Technology Experience." Mobile Speech and Advanced Natural Language Solutions. Springer New York, 2013. 35-45.
Murphy, David, Rob Walker, and Graham Webb, eds. Online learning and teaching with technology: case studies, experience and practice. Routledge, 2013.

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Free Essay About Technology. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/free-essay-about-technology/. Published Nov 25, 2020. Accessed May 08, 2024.

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