Free The Best Motivational Practices For Mundane Work Include The Following: Critical Thinking Example

Type of paper: Critical Thinking

Topic: Workplace, Employee, Business, Motivation, Employment, Job, Human Resource Management, Performance

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/12/20

Teaching the workers English.

Promoting competition between the workers.
Teaching workers to set smart daily targets, creating a sense of ownership in the workers by providing opportunities which allow the workers to invest in the business.

Giving monetary rewards.

Treating all employees with respect regardless of their position in the business, creating a team structure that allows employees to police.

Allow job rotation to evaluate individual performance hence vertical integration.

Provide advancement opportunities for all employees; provide housing, affordable medical care and food rewards.
Give employees a means of communication such as a phone where they can Skype.
Create bonding time for milkers such as bonfires.
Allow employees to rotate during the weekends.
Embracing their cultural differences through celebrating the different occasions.
Providing music and coffee during break.
Supporting immigrants to apply for citizenship.
Giving gear to employees to facilitate their work such as boots.
Making somatic cell count reports available to employees and developing programs that allow car or mechanic rotation and referral to better jobs.
Mexicans are mostly motivated to migrate to the USA by the wage plans and bonus schemes in the United States. Money meets their psychological, security and social needs. Money usually acts as the chief source of motivation.
Motivation is important for several reasons: It improves the quality and efficiency in production. It increases turnover costs. It provides the workers with a sense of satisfaction from their job which is related to turnover rate. A motivated employee pays keen attention when working hence less room for errors (Rani & Lenka 20). Motivation goes a long way in avoiding sabotage and reducing intentional wastage. When an employee finds joy in what they do, performing tasks that go beyond their required duties is easy. They are productive and quality-oriented. Workers gain a deep rooted sense of ownership and responsibility of the business which creates a desire to invest in the business. Due to motivation, commitment in the organization is created and enhanced in the workers.
An employee can resign from their jobs because of a new and better job, a new profession, unhappiness with their position or culture of their current employment. This leads the business to incur extra costs of hiring and overtime paid to remaining employees (SIGMA Assessment Systems 1). A high rate of employee turnover affects the remaining employees’ moral (Kelchner 1). The extra work may induce stress which may cause absenteeism and lower productivity. This may lead to a poor public image making hiring difficult. Low productivity in the business is incurred before replacement of the employee and during acclimatizing the new employee to the position.
Steal Cody’s slide on world population shows the need to find an efficient food solution. With the rising global population a food crisis is eminent.
Additional motivators include strategic employee recognition. This should recognize individual differences; allow employees to participate; nominators should be rewarded; link rewards to exceptional performances and the recognition process should be open and visible. Money is a great motivator but other motivators include security (physical and job security), suggestion scheme, praise or recognition, job enrichment (challenging jobs for efficient employees), empowerment, providing promoting opportunities and a sense of belonging (Marr 223).
Decentralization models involve several individuals being decisions makers and running the business. These individuals have different expertise and knowledge that allow them to handle various firm situations. Decentralized models empower employees to be autonomous in decision making up to the staff levels; relieve owners from the entire operational burden; prepares all for any emergencies encountered by the owner since dependency is not on a sole person; quick decision making since the chain of command does not always have to be followed and ease of business expansion. Decentralized decision making can improve aggregated productivity. Decentralized models are founded on trust and teamwork. It promotes investment from even entry level employees. It also enhances positive competition between employees since it instills discipline because there is no need for central monitoring (Joseph 1).
Centralized models involve a single individual providing direction and making the decisions in the business. This model provides efficient decision making. However, centralization may lead to slow operations in the business due to one person being relied to make all the decisions. The centralized models express to the employees that they are not valuable and their opinions and inputs are not important. It helps to justify the decision making (Vitez 1).
The types of incentives are as many as there are employers. These incentives are based on performance, profitability, volume and longevity. There are team and individual incentives. Beside somatic cell count (SSCs) in milk, performance incentives can be based on death loss and health parameters of the cows. Death loss involves the number of cows that die and the costs incurred currently and in the future. The health of the cows, for instance teat heath and mastitis incidence rate, is essential since it determines the milk production. The teats have to be cleaned before milking. Milking units are cleaned twice in a day, once per shift (runs three shifts per day). How you handle the cows is important in their productivity. Performance incentives can be based on through put. Through put is the rate of production or the rate at which for example milk can be processed. Job performance can be measured through parlour turns per hour, routine observation and filter sock observation. Rewards vary for sock checks, however, rewards or not sock have to be checked (Edwards 1).
Organizational or job structures are important for decision making and clearly defining roles and functions of employees. It allows for communication, authority is distributed down the chain of command, of decisions to the employees at the entry level. Organizational structures are important for evaluating the performance of the employees (Suttle 1). It enables department leaders to achieve the goals of the business and obtain results, fosters teamwork. Job structure allow for companies to manage change better, prevent and provide solution for problems. They are able to manage changes in the market place, new technology, civil regulations and consumer needs.

Work cited

Edwards, William. Bonus Plans for Farm Employees - Results of a 2011 Iowa Survey. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. Web. 15. Mar. 2015.
Joseph, Chris. The Advantages of a Decentralized Organizational Structure, Demand Media, Web. 15. Mar. 2015.
Kelchner, Luanne. Why Is the Rate of Turnover Important? by, Demand Media. Web. 15. Mar. 2015.
Marr, Bernard. Managing and delivering performance. New York. Routledge. 2009. Print.
Rani, Rekha and Lenka, Sameer. Motivation and work motivation: concepts, theories & researches. International Journal of Research in IT & Management, 2,8, (2012):14-22
SIGMA Assessment Systems. Overview of employee turnover research. SIGMA Assessment Systems. Web. 15. Mar. 2015.
Suttle, Rick. The Importance of Organizational Structure, Demand Media. Web. 15. Mar. 2015.
Vitez, Osmond. Centralized Vs. Decentralized Organizational Structure, Demand Media. Web. 15. Mar. 2015.

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