So, Can You Introduce Somewhat Are You Doing In You Work, Something Like That? Essays Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Workplace, Job, Connection, Volunteering, Habitat, Time, Yourself, Communication

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/11/11

Yeah. Well, I am the development associate for Habitat for humanity and I just started this jod about 2 and a half months ago. So, here with Habitat a king of a small staff on the administrative side so there are two of us in the development fundraising part - so, me, and then Brandy, he works as my supervisor. So, my job specifically emm, is the event planning side and fundraising. And then I also do a lot of the marketing and communication that helps with fundraising. So, the way we have kind of divided the workload of development and fundraising is Brandy is more focused on large gifts and great writing and then what I do what I think the fun part of event planning and smaller things like that and then on the communication side, I help with the new monthly newsletter, social media, maintaining the website, and sending out press releases, news releases to get media attention.
I just have this understanding, not understanding about what this, this praise, actually, doing about?
Habitat? Yeah, Habitat for humanity is a non-profit organization and it was started in Georgia back in 1978 and our mission is for the vision of the organization and is a place where everyone has a decent place to live . And so, what I call, is what Habatap is making sure everyone has an opportunity to live in a decent safe and affordable environment. So, that could bethere kind of two different things that we do – it’s either a brand new home built so working from the ground up lanes, the floor putting that back and forth or building a full house, or it's revitalizing an old property, so say, for example, a couple of weeks ago we just finished a project that was at grandmother’s house and her grandchildren were there and one of the grandchildren got a hold of a lighter and lit a part of the house on fire. So the Habitat team was able to go in and renovate that side of the house that was burnt down so that she had a full in-tact house that was safe for her to live in. And so, there is two different thing – it’s revitalization and then building.

It's like the TV show-like?

A little bit. A lot of people think about that emm the only difference is the people who participate in our Habitat for humanity programme, they purchase their house, so it’s not for free, we do not give any houses away for free. So that participants have to meet certain qualifications but they have a 20-year loan with a 0% interest that they to pay off, so we try to make it very affordable for the participants to stay in their home and be in their home. So it could be taking a family of 4 who lives in an apartment paying $800 a month to having their own stand alone home and there only paying $400 a month. So it’s a really need program. SO, we do not give anything for free. That is one of those things that we have islike a media thing that we try to tackle all the time they always think that they are for free and they are not.

So, are you only a co-major or before you graduate?

My undergrad degree is in arts administration, so, it was half business course and half communication courses then I minored in music and beater, and then my Master’s was in non-profit communication track.

Yeah, it is specialties before you graduate, how do you study?

How do you, how did you live before you undergraduate?
Like how did I learn best? Yeah. Well, my two tricks for myself were - I was a very flash card– like just I was constantly reduce flashcards to quiz myself so I were in my query classes I would sit there with no cards about my communication test and I was singing, I would flip through and study. You know why I was doing that. And I am also a visual learner, so if I can picture it, I’ can try to remember what it is. So, does that answer your question?


A little bit?
Yes, so do you have any advice for the student whothe same like they’re planning to graduate?
Yeah! My advice is to put yourself out there and make a name for yourself as soon as you can. So, I think that in the job searching market while you’re looking for jobs the most important thing is knowing somebody and having connections, so getting involved in as many organizations and groups as you can. Pretty much every job that I ever interviewed for or got a job was because of a connection I had, and mainly through my sorority. So, those connections are invaluable, you know. All of my friends, they are like so to this day, weI know 4-5 friends who are looking for a job, so if I see something I shoot it their way and give them advice or suggestion. So, getting involved in as many different things and volunteering, and making a name for yourself, so that people in the community can say “Hey, Abby, help me with this project. I wonder she would be interested in this job.” You know, there’s a lot of more of the connections versus your tangible skills, I think, because one thing my grandmother always told me was - when you’re walking in an interview and they’re asked you can you do something, your answer is always “Yes” because, you know, she knows that I know enough that I could teach myself. Like just this week I have not written a press release in 2-3 years since classes with Dr. Waters, so, I know who do to it but I kind of forgot and it took the time to, you know, pull up my old papers and different things like that and I asked my friends to remember how to writer a quality press release. Always say “Yes, you can do it” cause you always have a chance to teach yourself before you have to do it on the job. So, yeah.

So did you get your first job after you graduate?

My first job was actually with the Springfield green county backboard and I was there for about a year and a half. And, once again, it was all about the connections : my old supervisor of that first job was the president of the board of directors of the Springfield valley and I used to work there. So I was a volunteer there, I was volunteering and she overheard me talking how I was looking for jobs and she said “Hey, I think you should really apply for the job I’m hiring for” because knowing she knew me a little and she knew that I’d be qualified and she said I should apply and then I did, and I got the job! So, once again, all goes back to connections who you know and how you got yourself to where you are.
So, during your student time and after your college off you think all the important things is the communication and connect?
Yes, to communicate and connect You’d never wanna be a false person, I’d never recommend somebody volunteer to do something they are totally uncomfortable with in order to make connections. But if you can, you know, in the bright scheme of any job, you have talents and skills and at least one part of it and so if you can show off your talents in one part than you can really make a name for yourself and build those connections. So once you get there, get your foot in the door, and you built that connection that’s important to stay on top of the and continue that relationship. So, I have people who I’ve internally volunteered for other non-profits in the area and I still, you know, I’ll make a commitment to say “Yeah, I will come volunteer with you even if it’s only, you know, twice in a year”. They know that I’m involved and they are really able to help me help me what I need things to help me with. So, get your foot in the door, build the connections and then stay involved.

Okay, do you use a social media like LinkedInyou’re using it, don’t you?

How do you think it’s likehow do you think it’s important for a job and for something?
For LinkedIn? Yeah, I use all the – I use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, I refuse to have Pinterest because I can get sucked in and never actually do anything good on it, I just waste my time but I use Pinterest, LinkedIn, no, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn all the time. LinkedIn – I’m not the mostI do not use it the most but I do know a lot of people who do have used and use it as a networking to offer job-related stuff with sharing industry-related topics. I do not love it, so I’m gonna don’t use it, I do not own it all the time. Facebook and Twitter, I’m pretty much on it all day but I have beenat least two times people messaged me and offering me job opportunity interview. So. it is definitely, valuable, too. So, I definitely think even if I you’re not act upon it, you need to have a current and updated profile. So, yes, I think it’s important to have it but I do not actively use it.
That makes sense. Cause this at Masters Dr. Water asked us do a lot of search on anything. Yeah.
She asked us, like, to find some benefit apart LinkedIn, like file a job, upload a profile, sounds in like that.
I mean, it’s good if you’re looking. I found while I was looking for jobs the same stuff that was on LinkedIn and was also on Facebook and Twitter, and so, I mean, you can definitely use it if you search for jobs or ..But, I’m not actively involved in it. So, yeah.

Thank you so much!

Yeah, no problem! Do you have any other questions?
Can I take 2 photos of you? Yeah, no problem!
Yeah, after I finish with the photos, I can send them to you. Okay!
Do you wanna go downstairs or something? I can go outside, cause this is terrible lightning, let’s just make it right downstairs. Yeah, we can just run downstairs.

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