Free Stem Cell Research Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Stem, Government, Politics, Health, Religion, Science, Funding, Skin

Pages: 3

Words: 825

Published: 2021/01/01

A hot button issue in the medical and scientific world for many years has been the issue of stem cell research. Scientists wish to harvest the stem cells of humans, study them, and use them for the benefit of humankind. However, the federal government, who refuses to fund the project, has repeatedly stalled the progress of such research. Stem cell research could potentially profit individuals suffering from debilitating diseases, allowing them to become contributing members of society. This, in turn, would alleviate the burden of disability and Medicaid currently experienced by the government. Politicians claim they are unable to grant funding due to religious reasons, however, there is to be a clear division between church and state, making it clear funding should be granted for this research.
While many who are against stem cell research like to pretend it has never happened, and they are responsible for saving humanity from the horrors of science, it has actually been taking place since the late 1990’s, when scientists discovered how to extract the cells from a human embryo . Some think stem cell research will only be used as the plotline of science fiction film, in order to clone a breed of super humans who will eventually take over Earth. It is true that cloning could be possible through stem cell research, but it is ultimately not what researchers hope to achieve. The true intentions of science are far more admirable, as scientists hope to help those genuinely in need of assistance. Researchers understand stem cells are, according to, “Hopes and Fears for Professional Movement in the Stem Cell Community,” cells that have yet to, “decide what they are .” For example, an adult’s skin cell is simply that, a skin cell. However, a stem cell could become anything. Scientists wish to use the technology to heal those who are sick or who are disabled. The technology is limitless; stem cells could potentially help parapalegics walk, the blind see, and the deaf hear. Skin could be regrown, and nerve tissue could be reconstructed . People without hope would be given a life again, which is one reason the federal government should fund stem cell research.
The government, never being one to do something selfless, may consider helping millions of people worldwide. However, they may also ask what is in the exchange for themselves. As stated in, “US Health Spending Trends By Age And Gender: Selected Years 2002–10,”, the government has been spending an increasing amount of money it does not have to pay the disabled population in disability checks, as well as health insurance and Medicaid. If projections are correct, by the year 2048 the government will not enough money to meet the needs of the disabled population. Furthermore, 43% of the disabled population receiving benefits suffered from illnesses or incapacitations that could not be healed by medicine, but rather managed . Essentially, they would receive benefits for life. If the government stimulated stem cell research, allowing progression of these programs, a portion of the disability programs recipients could potentially be healed or cured, alleviating them from the system. An estimated 10 billion dollars could be saved over a two year period initially if this were to happen. If the government funded stem cell research, it would cost a lot, but the research would pay for itself, and help ensure other individuals in the future would still be able to receive assistance if they ever needed it.
Funding stem cell research would be for the general good of humankind, and it would help stimulate the economy while eliminating some of the financial crisis the government is experiencing. However, these are not the only reasons the government should invest. One of the greatest reasons the government has resisted is because to do so is, “to tamper with God’s creation, and therefore is against what we believe as Christians .” Essentially, the government claims to have a moral opposition to stem cell research, but it is morals dressed in religion’s clothing. As we all are now aware, there is to be a strict, dividing line between that of church and state. Therefore, lawmakers are not to pass judgement based on their own religious bias, nor their own morally religious permissiveness. To do so would not only be irresponsible, but unconstitutional. While there may be clearly defined immoral reasons to not fund stem cell research, politicans have yet to verbalize one without the backing of religion, making their opposition a farce.
In sum, there are many reasons why the federal government should fund stem cell research, and none to speak of why they should withhold funding. The stem cells are young; they have not formed into anything. Therefore, they have the potential to become any type of cell. They can become nerve cells, skin cells, or any other type of cells needed for the individual receiving them. Individuals suffering from life-threatening illnesses or debilitating diseases could be saved or cured. People may walk, see, hear, or feel again. Consequently, these individuals could be removed from disability, and become contributing members to society, which would stimulate the economy. The debt crisis would begin to solve itself in one motion. Moreover, politicians claim stem cell research is against “God’s will,” but church should be separate from state, voiding the argument entirely. As such, there is no proper reason funding should not be granted toward stem cell research.

Works Cited

Koleva, Spassena P., et al. "Tracing the threads: How five moral concerns (especially Purity) help explain culture war attitudes." Journal of Research in Personality (2014): 184-194. Article.
Lassman, David, et al. "US Health Spending Trends By Age And Gender: Selected Years 2002–10." Health Affairs (2014): 815-822. Article.
Longstaff, Holly, et al. "Hopes and Fears for Professional Movement in the Stem Cell Community." Elsevier (2015): 517-519. Article.

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