Good Heritage Assessment Tool Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Family, Health, Medicine, Religion, Parents, China, United States, Community

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/12/28

Heritage Assessment

The heritage assessment tool is used by health workers in order provide more direct care approach to their patients. It helps the nurses be more informed about different cultures of their patients. Different people have varying opinions regarding illness, birth and even death due to their cultural beliefs and practices. “A succinct knowledge of trans-cultural or multicultural setting within the healthcare realms is helpful in bolstering efforts towards attaining the primary care role of nursing. Thus, when working in the increasingly multicultural settings, nurses ought to refocus on availing culturally competent care, fully customized in suiting the target patient’s own traditions, cultural values, lifestyle, practices, and beliefs” (Clark, 2002). The aim of this paper is to identify the similar health traditions in relation to cultural heritage and the beliefs of ethnic communities in these health traditions. These health traditions are based in the following classes; health maintenance, protection and restoration in the African, Chinese and Latino communities living in America.
The heritage assessment tool contains twenty nine questions that help to get information about relationships, family background, social and religious beliefs. The heritage assessment tool provides information to the health worker that is used as a basis for direct and therapeutic care. This is because the information offered by the heritage assessment tool is about the cultural background and will help the nurse know how to treat the patient comfortably (Clark, 2002). Every health worker should always ensure that they have as much information as possible about their patient on their religious and cultural beliefs so that they both can understand and respect each other. Therefore, the heritage assessment tool helps the nurse know where to draw the line when dealing with a patient by asking about their beliefs and opinions on diseases. Different cultures have different methods in which they administer medical care, prevention, and the healing process (Clark, 2002).
When the health worker has all the details that help him know his patient, communication and mutual respect will be effective. No big surprise technology innovation developments continue emerging every year. Indeed with all the new changes and the fast ways of life. Few things are resolute, for example, traditions and conventions. Every nation has an abundance of society and legacy given from their precursors. Numerous individuals accept and respect the legacy; guarantee to exchange the custom to the forthcoming generations. The distinguishing progress, legacy, and conventions are exceptional for every country. The legacy appraisal apparatus serves to separate different conventions and legacy of diverse societies. The handiness of the heritage assessment tool was known over two decades back through a significant social relationship in America. The move for heritage appraisal is very helpful in modifying the point of view of health care from a responsive perspective to a proactive method.

Health protection

Health protection refers to the process of shielding an individual from an illness. The Chinese communities are known to have a very rich cultural beliefs and practices, which they still oblige to even after moving to other countries. The Chinese cultural puts more value on family rather than one person, boys over girls, respect for the elderly, education. The Chinese living in America have a higher chance of getting better medical attention than those living in China (Centre for disease control and prevention, n.d.). This is because those that live in China are poorer hence they cannot afford to go to the hospital. The Chinese residing in America use a mixture of the America’s medicine together with that from China. Most of them travel back home to get treatment. The Chinese who went to America more than forty years ago use their own traditional medicine while those who relocated recently are the ones who combine medicine from America and China. The Latino communities do not value illness prevention very much and most of the times seek help when it is already late. They believe that diseases are caused by ghosts, or disobeying cultural beliefs. The black communities living in America believe that illness occur naturally, or the weather. They prevent diseases by keeping themselves warm during the cold weather or by taking vaccines (Health care Chaplaincy, 2009).

Health Maintenance

Health maintenance refers to preserving and taking care of a sick person. The Chinese community’s cultural belief that emphasizes on family more than an individual affects how they make decisions concerning health matters. They are known to rely on their on their family members and make decisions regarding their health based on the opinion of these family members (Centre for disease control and prevention, n.d.). Many Chinese make their own medicines for small ailments; however, for more serious ones they visit the hospital. The Chinese prefer a doctor who is Chinese to treat them, while Chinese women prefer a Chinese doctor that is also female to treat them. The Spanish-speaking communities likewise put a lot of value on family; hence a sick person will rely heavily on his families’ assistant even before going to the hospital. They mainly use folk healers to assist them in their medical needs. They also seek God’s help to heal them from their ailment. The African American also believes in God to heal them when they are sick (Health care Chaplaincy, 2009). They maintain or control ailment by taking their prescribed medicines, however they do not adhere to any ritual ceremonies in regards to illness. Most African Americans do not like to use medicine for fear of being addicted to the medicine.

Health restoration

Health restoration refers to the restoration to good health or healing of an individual. The Chinese people are of the opinion that the Western medicine only heals the sick organ of the body rather than the main cause of the disease. This is the reason most Chinese prefer a Chinese doctor for more serious ailments. The Chinese do not get very good medical attention in America due to high cost of insurance and medical expenses (Centre for disease control and prevention, n.d.). They also do not fully comprehend the America’s health program and they are also faced with communication barriers. The decisions regarding health procedures are made by the family and not even the wife or the husband. The Latino community believes that it is the responsibility of the woman to take care of the sick person (Health care Chaplaincy, 2009). They rely heavily on homemade medicines which they combine with the western medicines. They also do not talk much about their religion, although they believe in saints that are responsible of healing each disease. The Latinos do not perform c-section to pregnant women because they are afraid of it. The black Americans depend on God to heal them and also rely on spiritual mentors for prayers and encouragement. This community are constrained to poor health care due to high insurance bills which elevated by their illiteracy and lack of income to support themselves. The women are the ones who take care of the sick babies. They also do not have any restrictions regarding c-section for pregnant mothers (Health care Chaplaincy, 2009).

Black Community

Where was your mother born? _Malaysia.
Where was your father born? _Chicago, USA.
3) Where were your grandparents born?

How many brothers __1___ and sisters __2___ do you have?

What setting did you grow up in? Urban __-___ Rural _____Suburban _____
What country did your parents grow up in?
Father _____United States of America.
Mother _____Malaysia.
How old were you when you came to the United States? __I was born in America.
How old were your parents when they came to the United States? Mother _25 Father__He was born in America.
When you were growing up, who lived with you? _My parents and siblings.
Have you maintained contact with
a. Aunts, uncles, cousins? (1) Yes __-___ (2) No _____
b. Brothers and sisters? (1) Yes __-___ (2) No _____
c. Parents? (1) Yes _-____ (2) No _____
d. Your own children? (1) Yes -_____ (2) No _____
Did most of your aunts, uncles, cousins live near your home?

Yes _____ (2) No _-____

Approximately how often did you visit your family members who live outside your home?
1) Daily _____ (2) Weekly _____ (3) Monthly _____ (4) once a year or less _-____ (5) Never_____

Was your original family name changed?

(1) Yes _____ (2) No _-____

What is your religious preference?

(1) Catholic _____ (2) Jewish _____ (3) Protestant _-____ (4) Denomination (5) Other ___ (6) None _____

Is your spouse the same religion as you?

(1) Yes __-___ (2) No
16) Is your spouse the same ethnic background as you?
(1) Yes _-____ (2) No _____
17) What kind of school did you go to?
(1) Public _-____ (2) Private _____ (3) Parochial _____
18. As an adult, do you live in a neighborhood where the neighbors are the same religion and ethnic background as yourself?
(1) Yes __-___ (2) No _____
19. Do you belong to a religious institution?
(1) Yes _____ (2) No _-____
20. Would you describe yourself as an active member?
(1) Yes _____ (2) No _-____
21. How often do you attend your religious institution?
(1) More than once a week _____ (2) weekly __-___
(3) Monthly _____ (4) Special holidays only _____
(5) Never _____
22. Do you practice your religion at home?
(1) Yes _-____ (2) No _____
(If yes, please specify)
(3) Praying __-___ (4) Bible reading __-___
(5) Diet _____ (6) Celebrating religious holidays _____
23. Do you prepare foods of your ethnic background?
(1) Yes __-___ (2) No _____
24. Do you participate in ethnic activities?
(1) Yes _____ (2) No __-___
(If yes, please verify)
(3) Singing _____ (4) Holiday celebrations _____
(5) Dancing _____ (6) Festivals _____
(7) Costumes _____ (8) Other _____
25. Are your friends from the same religious background as you?
(1) Yes __-___ (2) No _____
26. Are your friends from the same ethnic background as you?
(1) Yes __-___ (2) No _____
27. What is your native language? ___English
28. Do you speak this language?
(1) Prefer _____ (2) Occasionally _____ (3) Rarely ___-__
29. Do you read your native language?
(1) Yes _____ (2) No __-__

Latino Community

Where was your mother born? ____Mexico.
Where was your father born? ______Mexico.
3) Where were your grandparents born?

How many brothers ___2__ and sisters _2____ do you have?

What setting did you grow up in? Urban _____ Rural __2___Suburban _____
What country did your parents grow up in?

Father _____Mexico.

Mother _____Mexico.
How old were you when you came to the United States? __20___
How old were your parents when they came to the United States? Mother __28___ Father_30____
When you were growing up, who lived with you? __My grandmother
Have you maintained contact with
a. Aunts, uncles, cousins? (1) Yes _-____ (2) No _____
b. Brothers and sisters? (1) Yes _-____ (2) No _____
c. Parents? (1) Yes __-___ (2) No _____
d. Your own children? (1) Yes __-___ (2) No _____
Did most of your aunts, uncles, cousins live near your home?

Yes _-____ (2) No _____

Approximately how often did you visit your family members who live outside your home?
1) Daily _____ (2) Weekly _-____ (3) Monthly _____ (4) Once a year or less _____ (5) Never_____
Was your original family name changed?
(1) Yes _____ (2) No _-____

What is your religious preference?

(1) Catholic __-___ (2) Jewish _____ (3) Protestant _____ (4) Denomination (5) Other ___ (6) None _____

Is your spouse the same religion as you?

(1) Yes ___-__ (2) No
16) Is your spouse the same ethnic background as you?
(1) Yes __-___ (2) No _____
17) What kind of school did you go to?
(1) Public __-___ (2) Private _____ (3) Parochial _____
18. As an adult, do you live in a neighborhood where the neighbors are the same religion and ethnic background as yourself?
(1) Yes ____-_ (2) No _____
19. Do you belong to a religious institution?
(1) Yes _____ (2) No -_____
20. Would you describe yourself as an active member?
(1) Yes _____ (2) No _-____
21. How often do you attend your religious institution?
(1) More than once a week _____ (2) Weekly _____
(3) Monthly __-___ (4) Special holidays only _____
(5) Never _____
22. Do you practice your religion at home?
(1) Yes _-____ (2) No _____
(If yes, please specify)
(3) Praying __-___ (4) Bible reading _____
(5) Diet __-__ (6) Celebrating religious holidays __-__
23. Do you prepare foods of your ethnic background?
(1) Yes _-____ (2) No _____
24. Do you participate in ethnic activities?
(1) Yes __-___ (2) No _____
(If yes, please verify)
(3) Singing __-___ (4) Holiday celebrations __-___
(5) Dancing __-___ (6) Festivals __-___
(7) Costumes __-___ (8) Other _____
25. Are your friends from the same religious background as you?
(1) Yes __-___ (2) No _____
26. Are your friends from the same ethnic background as you?
(1) Yes ___-__ (2) No _____
27. What is your native language? _Spanish____
28. Do you speak this language?
(1) Prefer __-___ (2) Occasionally _____ (3) Rarely _____
29. Do you read your native language?
(1) Yes __-___ (2) No ____

Chinese Community

Where was your mother born? ____China______
Where was your father born? _______China______________
3) Where were your grandparents born?

How many brothers _4____ and sisters __2___ do you have?

What setting did you grow up in? Urban __-___ Rural _____Suburban _____
What country did your parents grow up in?

Father _____China

Mother _____China
How old were you when you came to the United States? __2___
How old were your parents when they came to the United States? Mother _29____ Father___30__
When you were growing up, who lived with you? __My parents and siblings.___
Have you maintained contact with
a. Aunts, uncles, cousins? (1) Yes __-___ (2) No _____
b. Brothers and sisters? (1) Yes __-___ (2) No _____
c. Parents? (1) Yes _-____ (2) No _____
d. Your own children? (1) Yes _-____ (2) No _____
Did most of your aunts, uncles, cousins live near your home?

Yes __-___ (2) No _____

Approximately how often did you visit your family members who live outside your home?
1) Daily __-___ (2) Weekly _____ (3) Monthly _____ (4) Once a year or less _____ (5) Never_____
Was your original family name changed?
(1) Yes _____ (2) No __-___
What is your religious preference?
(1) Catholic _____ (2) Jewish _____ (3) Protestant _____ (4) Denomination (5) Other _Buddhism__ (6) None _____
Is your spouse the same religion as you?
(1) Yes __-___ (2) No
16) Is your spouse the same ethnic background as you?
(1) Yes _____ (2) No _____
17) What kind of school did you go to?
(1) Public _____ (2) Private __-___ (3) Parochial _____
18. As an adult, do you live in a neighborhood where the neighbors are the same religion and ethnic background as yourself?
(1) Yes __-___ (2) No _____
19. Do you belong to a religious institution?
(1) Yes __-___ (2) No _____
20. Would you describe yourself as an active member?
(1) Yes _-____ (2) No _____
21. How often do you attend your religious institution?
(1) More than once a week __-___ (2) Weekly _____
(3) Monthly _____ (4) Special holidays only _____
(5) Never _____
22. Do you practice your religion at home?
(1) Yes _-____ (2) No _____
(If yes, please specify)
(3) Praying __-___ (4) Bible reading _-____
(5) Diet ___-__ (6) Celebrating religious holidays -_____
23. Do you prepare foods of your ethnic background?
(1) Yes __-___ (2) No _____
24. Do you participate in ethnic activities?
(1) Yes ___-__ (2) No _____
(If yes, please verify)
(3) Singing __-___ (4) Holiday celebrations __-___
(5) Dancing __-___ (6) Festivals __-___
(7) Costumes _-____ (8) Other _____
25. Are your friends from the same religious background as you?
(1) Yes ___-__ (2) No _____
26. Are your friends from the same ethnic background as you?
(1) Yes ___-__ (2) No _____
27. What is your native language? ___Chinese__
28. Do you speak this language?
(1) Prefer __-___ (2) Occasionally _____ (3) Rarely _____
29. Do you read your native language?
(1) Yes ___-__ (2) No ____


Centre for disease control and prevention. (n.d). Overview of Chinese Culture. Retrieved 23 March 2015, from
Clark, C. (2002). Health promotion in communities. New York: Springer Pub. Co.
Health care Chaplaincy. (2009). A Dictionary of Patients’ Spiritual & Cultural Values for Health Care Professionals. Retrieved 23 March 2015, from

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