Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Language, Communication, Formation, Linguistics, Speech, Rhetoric, Skills, Education

Pages: 2

Words: 550

Published: 2020/11/08

Reflection paper

Colorado Christian University
Language is a means and material formation and the formation of human personality, his intellectual, will, feelings and form of existence. Language - is a continuous process of learning about the world, the development of his person. Language is a means of communication between people, the transfer of personal experience to others and enrich the experience of others. Language helps to identify and meet the material and spiritual needs of people, unites them into society to achieve well-being and spiritual values. The high level of speech culture - an essential feature of civilized man. Improve their speech - the task of every one of us. To do this, follow the order to avoid mistakes in pronunciation, word forms used in the construction of the sentence. Need to constantly enrich their vocabulary, learn to feel his companion, to be able to select the most appropriate for each case words and designs. Man reaches the highest level of speech culture, if has the correct and coherent speech. This means that it not only does not make mistakes, but also knows how best to build statements in accordance with the purpose of communication, to select the most appropriate in each case the words and structures, taking into account, to whom and under what circumstances he addresses.
The current stage of development of language teaching methodology characterize new approaches to the definition of learning objectives. The specific objectives of language teaching is to develop linguistic, communicative and linguistic competence of students.
Adoption of these concepts is due to the achievements of modern psychology and linguistics: the theory of speech activity, communicative linguistics that studies the general laws of verbal communication and functioning of linguistic means in real acts of communication, and cognitive linguistics, offers a systematic description and explanation of the mechanisms of language acquisition.
Formation of titles in the field of lexical and grammatical classes of words, word formation, norms literary pronunciation, spelling and syntactic structure of the Russian language in the course combined with the formation of the expanded structure of educational activity and proper linguistic development.
In this course, I learned not only the main sections of linguistics, but also significantly expand my knowledge in the application of these skills in communication and competent communication. Mastering different styles of speech allow me to feel confident in any company, whether informal or formal group of people. This knowledge will help me properly communicate with others in different situations, form my image as a whole. After all, the more literate people communicate, the more trust and liking it causes (Alcon & Codina, 1998). Also this knowledge will help me in further learning in the transition to new subjects. They provide not only a fast adaptation, but also the ability to work with different types of tasks, such as the right to debate and formulate questions in seminars. Vocabulary and terminology specific subjects also plays an important role in their learning.
Like any other science, methodology of English language has its own subject. The subject of her study is the process of learning their mother tongue in terms of learning (mastery of speech, writing, reading, grammar, phonetics, etc.). The technique is designed to study the patterns of language formation and skills in the field of language assimilation of systems of scientific concepts of grammar and other branches of the science of language.
Each of the sections studied in the course, important to me. After all, the language does not only commutative function, but also has a value in the knowledge of the world, thinking process, the expression of emotions. The task of language learning is:
- Formation of linguistic competence, meaning the formation of ideas about the language system; mastery of language material - mastering units of language, linguistic norms (of pronunciation, spelling, grammar, punctuation) and the ability to use them in speech;
- Formation of speech competence related to the mastery of all kinds of speech activity (receptive - listening, reading and productive - speaking, writing), including assimilation rechevedcheskih concepts and development on their basis of connected oral and written statements of various types (narrative, description, reasoning);
- Formation of communicative competence involves the formation of skills for the selection and use of linguistic resources in accordance with the communicative tasks in different situations of communication and rules of speech and nonverbal behavior;
- The development of intellectual and creative abilities, moral and aesthetic qualities of the individual students;
- Shaping the complete training activities (Alcon & Codina, 1998).
All this knowledge I will use later in life and study.

Reference list

Alcon, E. & Codina, V. (1998). Current Issues in English Language Methodology. Castellón: Castelló Plana : Universitat Jaume I.

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"Essay On Jesse Turner." WePapers, Nov 08, 2020. Accessed October 27, 2024. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/essay-on-jesse-turner/
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"Essay On Jesse Turner," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 08-Nov-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/essay-on-jesse-turner/. [Accessed: 27-Oct-2024].
Essay On Jesse Turner. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/essay-on-jesse-turner/. Published Nov 08, 2020. Accessed October 27, 2024.

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