Free Report On Letter Of Transmittal

Type of paper: Report

Topic: Students, Education, School, Favoritism, Management, Actions, Workplace, Board

Pages: 8

Words: 2200

Published: 2020/11/27

I am very thankful to my teacher who gave me this topic which has broadness in it. I assure that this piece of work is original and written by me with complete and thorough research, and I am certain that it will give detailed idea about the problems and issues that usually found in an Schooling System

Executive Summary

Schooling is the most important place for an individual as it helps them to take their basic education. Education is extremely important for an individual because it is the only thing that helps an individual to differentiate between a wrong and a right doing (Brown, 2003). Education is the basic right for almost every individual on the earth, because it is the only thing that gives strength and a hope for a new beginning in the life. Therefore, it is more than important for an individual to have the flavor of basic education (Brown & Gaertner, 2008).
Parents want their children to go school on regular basis merely to learn different things in a specific time frame. The mindset of every child is different from the other, hence picking and grab a specific concept may require sometime to completely dissolve within the personality of an individual (Dovidio & Gaertner, 1986). By considering the fact that every child has a different mindset, and requires different tricks and techniques to get the things understandable for them, it is essential to treat every child with the same behavior and treatment. Unfortunately, there are some basic issues and problems that specifically associated with the student’s workplace and communities and among them Favoritism is one of them. Favoritism is a factor which applies either on organizational place as well as on School place as well. It emerges as a basic problem and issue that attains with a schooling level. The main objective of this assignment is to select one of the major problems or issues that associated with a schooling system, and then recommend something effective to overcome on this particular problem comprehensively. It is required to have a hypothetical scenario related to a school in which this particular favoritism problem exists. Recommendation should be effective and powerful and it must give solution to the problem.

High Fly School: An Overview

High Fly School, a hypothetical school which has been taken into consideration for this assignment is an educational institute in which different studies have been accomplished. It is a school from Montessori to College level, and it is operating with full of integrity and positive mindset. It is located in New York, the United States (US) (Gaertner & Dovidio, 2000). The School has great teachers and Educational Environment, and they teach students with full of zeal and positive mindset. However, there is a problem that associated specifically with the school which is to give extra benefits and favor to some students without anything in positive in them (Gaertner & Dovidio, 2000) . This particular aspect initiated the stance and amount of favoritism or biasness within the school. The problem identifies in this particular section is very common in most of the institutes as well as workplaces which may not be effective for the long term significance of them. High Fly school is one of the most reputable schools in the region of New York, the United States, but the institute is having some problem in maintain the level of equality within the educational institutes. Powerful recommendations will be given to the management of High Fly School from which their operations will become effective and bit firmer.

Analysis & Findings

It is found that most of the educational institutes would like to teach equality and other manners of life to their students, in fact teaching in the same way will certainly maximize their utility particularly (Gross, 2006). Most of the lectures that have been given to the students are equality and maintaining their rights in an effective manner, however there are certain situations due to which this problem exist (Gilbert, Fiske & Lindzey, 1998) .
According to the identified problem, it is found that the basic problem that associated with this School is high amount of Favoritism. Theoretically, a state and stance of favor that will be given to a specific person or group that differentiates them from the other is known as Favoritism (Jost & Sidanius, 2004). Either in bad or good remarks, Favoritism is unacceptable from the standpoint of individuals and organizations because it may increase the level of squabbles and other problems within the workplaces and communities. In educational institutes these problems found very common within their operations that will endanger the life of the individuals particularly. Before going in further evaluation and making powerful recommendations to overcome on these issues completely, it very important to have some discussion on the effects of favoritism on other students studying in the same workplace (Sidanius & Pratto, 1999).
Increases Inferiority Complex: Inferiority Complex is a situation in which one person thinks that they are lesser in terms of value, worth or any other form, however in reality it is not like that (Sidanius & Pratto, 1999). Most of the organizations and schooling places, the problem of favoritism may increase the level of inferiority complex among the students, which may become very ineffective for their future life. It not only hurt them physically, but also hurt the people mentally as well, which is one of the most tragic ends for the schooling place and for a child particularly (Wilcox, 2010).
Increases the Level of Satisfaction: Satisfaction is the most important thing that associated with the well being of an individual. In an organizational level, employee’s based satisfaction is important to accomplish the task accordingly, and at educational level it is associated with student’s satisfaction level. The problem of favoritism within the school place may increases the level of dissatisfaction among the other students that may hurt their careers completely (Wilcox, 2010). In the High Fly School, this particular dissatisfaction exist for the students who are seeing favoritism factor with other of their colleagues that increased the level of undue influence within the premises.
May Divert the Attention of the Students: The activity of favoritism within a student workplace may increase the stance of diverting the core attention of the students from the study or the line of study, and it is equally found in High Fly School as well
The student workplace of High Fly is having such problems increases in which most of the students are diverting their behavior from the study. Therefore it is more than essential to overcome on these issues through effective and powerful recommendations.

Recommendations to overcome Challenges for High Fly School

There are certain recommendations which have to be considered by the High Fly School merely to overcome on the current issue of Favoritism (Wilcox, 2010). The recommendations will be mentioning here, and it will describe again accordingly in details later on

Organize Strong Board Meeting

Take Strict Actions against the teachers
Increase the level of communication among the Management of School and the Children
Keep the complains of the parents very seriously
Arrange Teacher and Parents Meeting Every month
Organizing Strong Board Meeting
Board and management is equally important in the school places as likely it is important in the organizations as well. In board meeting, board of directors and the managerial officials would be taken place accordingly to have powerful decisions to maximize the level of efficacy of the company or the student place. In High Fly School, there is a board and management that work as the superior authority to take care of all the administrative and managerial activities of the school (Wilcox, 2012). It is recommended to the management of the school to arrange comprehensive and strong board meeting in which this particular issue should have been raised before the teachers of the school. Maneuvering about the future aspects is one of the most important elements that initiated by the Board and the management, and it is very important for the Board to have such meeting stance within the operations of the school to maintain their current status in the market, and make their position valuable and effective for a given time period.

Take Strict Actions against the Teachers

In Schools, it is commonly studied that strict actions are not the solution of anything, however in some places taking influential and strict actions against the culprit will enable the place to have betterment and improvement within their line of action (Wilcox, 2012). Give undue favor to specific students without any further and powerful reason is one of the problems that found within the high Fly School. The management of the school is obliged to take strong and powerful actions against the culprit or the teachers who found active in this particular activity. Apprise them first through issuing warning letters, and if the problem still persists in the market terminate their contract of teaching immediately. Undue and ineffective favoritism is like gangrene for a school workplace that may hurt their position within the market place. This particular action of taking strict actions against those teachers who found guilty in increasing the approaches towards the favoritism will certainly help out High Fly School to completely eliminate this factor from their place.

Increasing the level of Communication

Communication is the most important aspects or element that associated with the long run effectiveness and perfection of an organization as well as a working place, as it is the only thing from which the level of efficacy among the organizational level will increase considerably and positively (Wilcox, 2012). Increases the level of communication among the management and students or employees many increase the level of efficacy of a student or employee’s workplace. High Fly School has the chance to increase the level of communication among the managerial position and the employees. It is recommended to the management of the company to give immense and powerful confidence to the employees of the company from which they can share any problem or issue which they are facing. Give confidence to the students to complain against every teacher who is having this particular issue within the classroom. Management should also never disclose the name of any student who complains a teacher.

Keep the Complains Seriously

Managerial activities involve planning, organizing, leading and controlling (Wilcox, 2012). Controlling is the activity which includes the stance of complains management as well. It is very important for an organization or an institute to keep the status of complains management very effective and powerful to maintain the line of significance. It is equally applied on the managerial and complaint management activity of High Fly School as well. The management should entertain each and every parent of the children and should listen complain very seriously, and on the basis of these complains, they are required to take immediate actions to overcome on the problems. This particular activity not only enhances the functionality of the children but it also increases the level of satisfaction among the parents as well with a positive mindset.

Arranging of Meetings

Meetings are very important either in the field of an organization or a student level. Proper arrangement of meetings is very important even in the student workplaces as well. It not only helps the educational institutes to innovate new things, but it also helps them to improve their current status of working particularly. High Fly School is having trouble in maintain the level of confidence of their students and their parents, therefore the level of necessity is increasing day by day. The Board of Directors have to make sure that the meeting among the parents and teachers have been duly arrange each year to make them able to discuss all the potential things particularly. It is recommended to the board of directors of the company to initiate a stance for the company from which they can arrange teachers and student meeting each year with zeal. This particular aspect will certainly help out the school to overcome on the said problem and eradicate it completely from their operations.


Satisfaction is an important element that found very important and fruitful for almost every organization of the world. This is an activity which equally found positive and workable within the schooling systems as well. Problems and issues are a major part of the day to day activities of organizations as well as schooling. There are number of benefits and effectiveness that associated specifically with the productivity of the students as well as employees. Biasness is one of the major aspects that increased the level of issues at a workplace as well as in schools as well.
Apart from the biasness, favoritism is one of the major factors which are current lying in almost every company which is creating problems for the companies as well as schools. The analysis in this assignment looks over the same aspect of creation of problems and issues due to the favoritism aspect on the schooling system. High Fly (a hypothetical school) has been selected with a major problem of favoritism in it. Thoughtful and effective recommendations have been initiated in this particular case to overcome on these issues in a best possible manner that can assist High Fly School to overcome on the issue of favoritism from their functions completely.


Brown, R. (2003). Intergroup processes. Malden Mass. [etc.]: Blackwell Publ.
Brown, R., & Gaertner, S. (2008). Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons.
Dovidio, J., & Gaertner, S. (1977). The subtlety of white racism. Newark: Dept. of Psychology, University of Delaware.
Dovidio, J., & Gaertner, S. (1986). Prejudice, discrimination, and racism. Orlando: Academic Press.
Gaertner, S., & Dovidio, J. (2000). Reducing intergroup bias. Philadelphia, PA: Psychology Press.
Gilbert, D., Fiske, S., & Lindzey, G. (1998). The handbook of social psychology. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Gross, D. (2006). The secret history of emotion. Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press.
Jost, J., & Sidanius, J. (2004). Political psychology. New York: Psychology Press.
Sidanius, J., & Pratto, F. (1999). Social dominance. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Wilcox, C. (2010). Groupthink. [Bloomington, IN]: Xlibris Corp.
Wilcox, C. (2012). Envy. [S.l.]: Xlibris.

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