Good Essay About King Philip’s War Was A Violent Episode In Wampanoag-Puritan History

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: America, War, United States, Culture, English, England, History, Puritans

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/11/28

The events that happened in New England for the duration of the 17thcentury were of necessary significance for the historical account of the United States of America. It was the preliminary period of the dealings between the Native American and Anglo-Saxon development and the consequence of the first periods of shared links formed and transformed the sequence of history for both sides. The origins of American state identity are frequently outlined back to the periods of the first settlers who coped to endure in unidentified surroundings beneath tough situations and initiated the first main settlements and cities on the North American region. The lore of which concerns the advancing of the Pilgrims still continues in American philosophy and prevalent historical account. This paper is a discussion about King Philip’s War as a vicious incident in Wampanoag-Puritan history. It will also deliberate how Wampanoags and Puritans validate themselves. Correspondingly, it will elucidate how one think Puritans balanced belief and their consciousness of a “City Upon a Hill” with risky martial vehemence.
The most important nation for the historical account of England were the Wampanoags, of which sometimes also called the Pokanokets subsequently their main settlement. They were closely associated with the Nausets who occupied the region of Cape Cod. The Wampanoags’ area was the cape on the east shoreline of Narragansett Bay and the end-to-end portions counting the islands of Marta’s Vineyard and Nantucket. That scope was to ripen the forthcoming Plymouth settlement and is currently a part of Massachusetts State. When the first English colonists began to settle down in the area of New England during 17th century, and carried with them definite prospects and prejudices about the indigenous folks of America in a broad-spectrum. The advent of Native Americans was fashioned by the varieties and works of the first tourists, which frequently redirected the social preference of that period.
On the other hand, for English Puritans faith was possibly the most overwhelming obstacle between the two cultures. There was no aspect for compromise and understanding and unavoidably Native Americans hoisted on the obscure side. As a result, Puritans supposed Native Americans as an reversed manifestation of their cultural standard. In the same way, for Puritans religion developed much more than a conventional of principles and ceremonies (Fitzpatrick 4). It was inherent in the over-all conduct of its advocates. When a belief was deemed bad, its advocates were unavoidably likewise bad. It did not matter even if these individuals had never made mistake to the Christian expecting them; they were adversaries to God. Therefore, correspondingly the enemies to God’s individuals”. Thus faith and cultural variances had serious implications for the Puritan’s method towards Indians and it had a straight influence on other features of mutual communication, from everyday associates to land contract (Pearce, 10).
During the course of 1675-76 the war between the Algonquian ethnic group of New England, headed by Metacomet of the Wampanoags, and the white immigrants, conveyed an unmatched devastation to both sides. Before the war broke, both cultures had co-existed together, uncomfortably maybe, but with merely fairly minor conflicts except for the 1636-37 Pequot war (Drake 33). The most forthright and actual reason of what is typically talked about to as King Philip's war is from the forename with which the colonists baptized Metacomet. It was a trial in June of 1675 held in Plymouth, Massachusetts. Three Wampanoags were put on trial for the supposed killing of the Christian Indian John Sassamon. He was the one who had informed the authorities of the Plymouth Colony that a chain of attacks in contradiction of the immigrants were being organized by that tribe. The three Indians were found guilty and punished by means of death on the 8th of June. Any deliberation on the lawfulness and justice of the trial possibly will merely supposed, but what rests to be perceived is that the incident not simply demonstrated but likewise, in a logic, dramatized the increasing conflict between the English and the Indians. The conflict ascending predominantly from territorial rivalry: on one part the Indians, countering against the growing weight of Colonial domination, on the other the immigrants, on the subject of that response as a risk to what in their interpretation, was the God-arranged authority of the Colonial government.
The outlays of the war were widespread for both sides of the fight. It has been often specified, that constantly, King Philips War was the blood- discernible competition in American historical account. Although the specific numbers are unknown, somewhere between eight or ten percent of English defense force died and the fatalities on the Indian side were even grander. It is estimated that as much as 2,000 or 3,000 thousand Native American were slayed during the battle and numerous more give way to illnesses and scarcity. Not merely had the war an enormous economic influence and devastated numerous residences and cities which remained uninhibited, but then again it likewise intensely altered the sequence of the relations between the white immigrants and the Native Americans. Even for the duration of the war, the settlers in Massachusetts started to be distrustful of all Indians, as well as those focused in imploring cities or serving them in struggle. Adversary Native Americans were frequently appreciated as works of Satan, in the meantime unleashed by God to discipline His erring children, nonetheless appropriate matters far all the abhorrence and devastation which the English could bring to bear upon them (Fitzpatrick 12).
New England of the 17th century was a version in miniature of the upcoming white-Indian dealings on much greater gauge. It was a significant defining moment for both cultures and it had altered the method in which the both edges perceived each other. The approach headed for the Native Americans suited more aggressive throughout and after the King Philip’s War. English front-runners and settlers perceived Indians as a possible threat and an infuriating problem to European development in North America.
King Philip’s War was the last connection in the sequence of actions that directed to the death of Algonquin clans in what is nowadays named Southern New England. It signified the damage of Indian dominion and ruined all Native struggles all over the area. The tribes never recuperated from this previous setback and those who did not escape developed as simple subjects of the English in their own birthplace (Pearce, 9). The Puritan rule of influencing the Native Americans was to be recurrent in the future. If some type of disagreement was encountered, viciousness or compulsory exclusion charted. Aside from the romantic notion of “Noble Savage”, incorporated typically by those who were not in an undeviating or daily interaction with the Native Americans, English immigrants and colonists kept back sighted Indians as vicious and inferior individuals and their conduct of the American Indian echoed the view. Progressively, the European technical dominance accompanied by an presumed cultural advantage directed to racial prejudgment. The shade of skin began to be a significant matter. The actions which happen in New England throughout the 17th century considerably predisposed the additional progression of American history. Despondently, the costs were awful for the Native Americans. It is not stress-free to understand individuals who existed four hundred years in the past in absolutely dissimilar conditions and in a varied social and cultural setting. Nor is it simple and correct to critic others’ actions from today’s viewpoint. Nonetheless, this thought-provoking time of initial interactions between two dissimilar cultures certainly deserves consideration.


Tara Fitzpatrick . “The Figure of Captivity: The Cultural Work of the Puritan Captivity Narrative”. American Literary History, Vol. 3, No. 1, (Spring, 1991), pp. 1-26. <:
Pearce, Roy Harvey. The Significances of the Captivity Narrative. Duke University Press, 1947. <>
Drake, James. “Restraining Atrocity: The Conduct of King Philip's War”. The New England Quarterly Vol. 70, No. 1 (Mar., 1997), pp. 33-56. <

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