Technology-Mediated Communication Research Paper Samples

Type of paper: Research Paper

Topic: Technology, Communication, Internet, Business, Friendship, Innovation, Sociology, Correspondence

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Published: 2020/12/19

The technology-mediated communication (TMC) has revolutionized the lives of individuals like us. This revolution has happened so quickly that we have never halted to contemplate just how much we rely on upon technology-based communication these days. We have "friends" on social networking websites, etc. that we have never met since a long time, but it still looks like we are very closer, and our generation is now even tired of calls and has surrendered them for messaging.
The development of newer and newer technological innovations since the 21st century has drastically changed our communicational ways. Numerous people have started to treat new technological oriented communication as an imperative way for communicating with their friends, family and relatives on a regular basis. Furthermore, companies and workplace have also increased its dependency on the TMC thinking of it as a vital part of the growth of an organization. This way we can say that compared to the past, this technology has produced an overwhelming impact in our lives especially in the recent years (MacDonald & Smith, 2004). In the past, our forefathers used to communicate with each other through letters which took months to reach a long distance spot, then came the era of telephone calls which turned out to be less time consuming compared to letters however the present era has become completely technological. The innovations of Social Media, Emails, Texting, Even free calling software (Viber, Skype, etc.) has turned our world into a global village. Now we are just one click away from contacting our friends and family members because of these innovations and the innovation of video conferencing has developed an awe-inspiring impact especially in business fields (MacDonald & Smith, 2004). Following are some of the vital innovations that Technology Mediated Communication (TMC) has brought in our lives;


Texting these days has turned out to be the most personal form of technology-mediated communication. Various texting applications like Whatsapp, Line, etc. have also become very popular these days and utilized by most individuals as the quickest mean of corresponding. Texting is particularly used these days to remain in contact with relatives and friends; however, if they are utilized in business fields, it is more they tend to be more urgent than the communication through email. Various companies make use of texting in order to grow their business (MacDonald & Smith, 2004).

Social Networking

Social Networking could be termed as by the far the most important and popular technology-mediated communication among our generation with its growing numbers of users on a daily basis. In the past, at first, when technology made its mark, different software and websites were used for posting pictures, chatting with friends, calling long distance relatives, however, social media websites these days (especially Facebook) has merged all these features in just a single website. Almost every adult who owns an internet connection have made its account on social media sites like Facebook, MySpace, Orkut, etc. to remain in touch with not only their friends and relatives but with everyone they know even they might have met only once .


Twitter or Tweeting is another chief type of technology-mediated communication like Social Networking these days. Through tweeting people broadcast their short messages known as “tweets” and their friends could follow, comment or share that tweet. Furthermore, business organization also uses twitter in order to display new products to the people who are following them (Barnes, 2003). This could lead to augmentation of their sales and profits which was never possible in any previous era.

Video Conferencing

Video conferencing like all other types of TMC has also produced a sound impact especially allowing us to communicate with their distant relatives, friends and business clients while watching them live as if they are sitting in front of us. In the past people have to travel thousands of miles in order to meet their relatives or finalizing a deal of business, however, presently it could only be conducted using a simple video conference call. Many business organizations utilize video conferences at their organizations to carry out long distance meeting which saves them a lot of capital costs (Barnes, 2003).

Things we can do with recent technology

There are many advantages which we are availing due to innovation in technology. It is true that our fathers and grandfather have not used such technology which we are using today, that enable us to do many things which our fathers haven't done at their time due to absence of technology-mediated communication. Technology has put out life at much ease than our folks. We are using various types of technology among which telecommunication is most praised. The vast majority of us are encompassed by correspondence channels and instruments that keep us always associated with us in. The current correspondence channel asserting obligation regarding an expansive share of this data and contact is technology integrated. A standout amongst the hugest capacities of recent technology is its commitment to globalization. Over the previous decade, the ideas of innovative technology and glottalization have gotten to be synonymous. This cooperative energy has permitted computer-intervened correspondence and globalization to flourish when connected to social, scholarly, and business-related circumstances.
The undeniably the technology innovation has empowered us as far and wide as possible to connection up without any difficulty. One of the recently famous correspondence advancements spreading over the globe is Internet. One of the principle reasons innovation and Internet have turned into an awesome achievement is a result of the propelled level of accommodation and personalization connected with the recently mainstream advancement. As an aftereffect of these advancements, long range informal communication destinations have developed in fame. Email is one of the technological innovation and technology mediated communication which has eased us in communicating both personally and professionally. With email facility, we can send messages of every kind including texts of different formats, images, videos to our associates. Our parents were unable to do this the way we are doing because of absence of this kind of technology (Norris).
Social networking websites permit us to make a profile page for either an expert or more standard channel of correspondence. These websites urge us to make a rundown of companions or contacts, permitting them to stay in contact with loved ones both the nation over and over the globe. In the course of recent years, person to person communication websites have developed in ubiquity and extended their target showcase significantly.
Technology integrated correspondence has changed the way we stay in contact and start new connections. Recent technology happens in work connections, family connections, sentimental connections, and fellowships. There are a few concerns with technology integrated discussions, including worries about decreasing interpersonal relational abilities. Notwithstanding, there are likewise points of interest to imparting by means of technology supplies, for example, technology s, handheld gadgets, telephones and webcams (Norris).
For us, it is much simpler to keep up closer to the relatives living abroad, on account of technology integrated correspondence. Due to feature calling, companions, family, and sentimental accomplices can converse with each other consistently, helping keep up a nearby association. We can see and send those nonverbal signs that are lost in a letter. Recent technology helps protect our long-separate connections that in the past would have failed out and passed on. A noteworthy focal point to recent technology is its instantaneousness. Preceding email, feature calls, messaging and texting, composed messages took weeks to months to go as far and wide as possible. Presently archives, photographs, and features can be sent anyplace with a fast click (Norris).
Technology has aided us at the workplace as well which was not available to our fathers. With technology integrated correspondence, everybody is interested in more extensive systems than before. Be that as it may, with technology integrate correspondence; there are gatherings of potentially sentimental accomplices, potential workers and potential companions everywhere throughout the web. Through expert systems, informal communities and business systems, we have admittance to hundreds a larger number of associations than they did preceding technology intervened correspondence. With recent technology, greatest playing point we have is the capacity to work anyplace whenever. Numerous organizations permit their workers to telecommute in view of this innovation. Compact laptops let numerous organizations permit laborers to travel or telecommute without relinquishing any gainfulness. We likewise can multi-task, which can expand general benefit from the association. For instance, a representative on a portable computer can react to work questions while consuming lunch at a restaurant.
Also, the recent advancements in technology and communication permit our generation to further their scholastic profession which was not present at older times. As innovation advances, more understudies are choosing to take classes or the whole degree programs on the web. Taking classes or accepting a degree online has permitted understudies to make their own particular calendars or work around a current one.

Works Cited

MacDonald, J. B., & Smith, K. (2004). The effects of technology-mediated communication on industrial buyer behavior. Industrial Marketing Management, 33(2), 107-116.
Norris, a. (2012). Computer-mediated communication and globalization: considering social, academic, and business factors. Student pulse, 4(02). Retrieved from
Barnes, Susan B. (2003). Computer-mediated communication: Human-to-human communication across the Internet. Vol. 232. Boston, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

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