Example Of Argumentative Essay On Assisted Suicide

Type of paper: Argumentative Essay

Topic: Suicide, Assisted Suicide, People, Health, Nursing, Medicine, Issue, Suffering

Pages: 4

Words: 1100

Published: 2020/12/19

Legalization of assisted suicide is one of most debated topics, not only in United States but across the world. In assisted suicide, one person or expert provides instruction and assistance to another human being in committing suicide. Majority of the states currently do not permit euthanasia or assisted suicide; however, advocates of assisted suicide are continuously challenging existing regulations by citing the benefits of assisted suicide. This paper will discuss benefits, associated with assisted suicide and why it should be legalized in all states.
The assisted suicide should be made legal in all states because: all individuals have right to choose ‘death with dignity’. Assisted suicide provides autonomy to patients to accept or reject medication in the cases when there is zero probability of survival. Assisted suicide is the best way to eliminate sufferings and pains of patients who keep suffering without any hope. Assisted suicide is different from killing of human beings and people will have to understand the same (Pappas).
There are various cases where patients commit suicide because of incurable illness and poor quality of life that largely depends upon heavy medication and painkillers. People are bound to live in pain in absence of law that allow them to choose death in comfortable or dignified manner. People exercise their rights in other cases related with marriage, personal relationships, child nurturing, and procreation. Court also safeguards the interest of individuals by keeping individual freedom in mind while giving verdicts in such cases. Similarly, in case of death every individual in the country should have right to embrace dignified death in order to avoid excruciating pain of permanent illness.
Brittany Maynard is suffering from growing brain tumour and doctor mentioned that she will survive for next six months. Maynard decided to opt for physician-assisted suicide, which is permitted in Oregon’s law. Maynard mentioned that her decision should not be quoted as suicide because she also wants to live. However, in absence of any cure her death is expected. Maynard and other advocates of assisted suicide called it “compassionate dying” or “aid-in-dying” (Pappas).
Wilson et. al (2000) in their research study analysed the personal attitude of large group of patients suffering from advance stage of cancer towards assisted suicide. Findings of empirical research study conducted on 70 cancer patients revealed positive attitude of patients toward legalization of euthanasia or physician-assisted suicide. Around 73 percent participants mentioned that legalization of assisted suicide will help in reliving patients from intolerable pain (Wilson et al.).
Besides pain, there are various other factors that motivate patients to select assisted suicide. People suffering from terminal illnesses feel bad about their conditions. They also get distress because their medication, which is good for nothing involves huge cost. Terminal illnesses all of sudden makes patients a burden on other family members. In various parts of world insurance companies are trying to minimize their spending associated with health care (Wilson et al.). In such cases treatment of terminal illnesses become financial burden on the patients.
The stress level of patients suffering from incurable illness and inclination towards assisted suicide is related with type of illness and age of the patient. Patients suffering from disability think that it is good to commit suicide than rely on others even for small things. Disabled patients rely on their family members even to do their daily tasks, which change their outlook towards life. Elder people also feel high level of depression if they are suffering with terminal illness. In some societies elder people get abused and exploited if they are disabled. They are required to fight for health care services, which makes situation worse and increase the demand for assisted suicide.
However, it is not possible to discard views of people who oppose assisted suicide. There are concerns of people on this issue and these are very valid concerns. Human life is valuable and since this issue affects human lives directly, there should be wide debate and consent of all section of the society. Once assisted suicide is legalised in the society, there will be a number of repercussions (Muller-Busch et al.).
Muller-bush et al. (2005) in their article discuss the attitude of people towards assisted suicide and euthanasia after it was legalized in Netherland & Belgium. The authors mentioned that legalization of assisted suicide may seem a relive for the patients suffering from terminal illnesses, but it also has various drawbacks. Physician involved in assisted suicide should have good experience and knowledge of various methods (Muller-Busch et al.).
There are several suspicions of people who oppose assisted suicide. They suggest that Influential people may manipulate assisted suicide and kill people in name of assisted suicides for their vested interests. Friends or relatives also may manipulate norms of assisted suicide merely for their interests. Property related disputes will be flooded in courts. Old and sick people will be pressurised in property related disputes and they might get murdered in name of assisted suicide.
People who oppose assisted killing also suggest that this is very shameful that people still opt assisted killing in order to end their pain and sufferings. There are various nations that have legalised assisted suicide, but almost all nations suffer on fronts of medical facilities. Countries like Netherland have legalised assisted killings, but everybody knows the condition of medical facilities in the Netherland.
Though these are merely some remote conjectures. There are various existing rules and regulations that take care of any unfortunate situation. The society of United States of America is very attentive and courts are very competent. Society and law enforcement agencies are capable enough to deal with any unpleasant situation that arise out of the issue of assisted suicide. The negative assumptions that people make on the issue of assisted suicide are not based on concrete grounds.
Considering various aspects of assisted suicide, the paper concludes that the issue of assisted suicide is one of much debated issues that directly affects life of human beings. There are two opinions on the issue, and there is a need of wide consideration and wide consent on the issue of assisted suicide. There is a need of representation from maximum people on this issue, and any decision that affects this issue should be taken with a majority of opinion. However there is no substantial harm in allowing assisted suicide and it can benefit the society, instead of harming it.

Works Cited

Muller-Busch, HC, Oduncu, FS, Woskanjan, S., and Klaschik, E. "Attitudes on euthanasia, physician-assisted suicide and terminal sedation -- A survey of the members of the German Association for Palliative Medicine." Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy, 7(3) (2005): 333-339.
Pappas, Demetra M. The Euthanasia/Assisted-Suicide Debate. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, 2012.
Wilson, Keith G., Scott, John F., Graham, Ian D., Kozak, Jean F., Chater, S., Viola, R.A., de-Faye, B.J., Weaver, L.A., and Curran, D. "Attitudes of Terminally Ill Patients Toward Euthanasia and Physician-Assisted Suicide ." Arch. Internal Medicine, 160(16) (2000): 2454-2460.

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"Example Of Argumentative Essay On Assisted Suicide," Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com, 19-Dec-2020. [Online]. Available: https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-argumentative-essay-on-assisted-suicide/. [Accessed: 27-Jul-2024].
Example Of Argumentative Essay On Assisted Suicide. Free Essay Examples - WePapers.com. https://www.wepapers.com/samples/example-of-argumentative-essay-on-assisted-suicide/. Published Dec 19, 2020. Accessed July 27, 2024.

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