Type of paper: Article Review

Topic: Cuba, Hong Kong, News, Media, People, China, Nigeria, Terrorism

Pages: 5

Words: 1375

Published: 2020/09/20

Article Review for 4 Countries

1. Lackey, Katherine, and Oren Dorell. “Who's who: The 5 Paris Terror Suspects.” USA Today. 10 January
2015. Web.
This article profiles the five suspects involved in the terrorist attacks in Paris, one at the newspaper Charlie Hedbo, one at a supermarket, and a killing of a policewomen. The profiles discuss involvement of the suspects in their respective crimes and reveals their terrorist background, suggesting guilt of these suspects. In a place as cosmopolitan as Paris, there is often diverse belief systems and ethnicities living in close proximity. Unfortunately in this case, the clash of some very ideological zealots with common citizens left many people injured and killed. The story of terrorism is sad, and this article provides a bit of more understanding of who these crazed terrorists were.
2. Husein, Mishal. “Paris Attacks: Millions Rally for Unity in France.” BBC News Europe. 11 January 2015.


This article focuses on the reaction to the terrorist attacks at the Charlie Hedbo newspaper in Paris. Following a tragic massacre, there has been an outpouring of support from the French people. This show of solidarity stretched far beyond Paris into surrounding French cities and even to Spain’s capital. The rally was to show unity of the people, of all people, regardless of religion or beliefs. Much like the terrorist bombing of Madrid’s train station in 2004, the fingers were pointed at Muslims, and the show of unity is a way to bridge the gap and promote unity instead of hate and fear. With Paris being such a huge city, the rally drew a lot of attention with more than 3 million in attendance.
3. Schofield, Hugh. “French Welfare Changes Spark Debate Over ‘Universality’.” BBC News Europe. 10
This article interrogates the policy changes occurring in France regarding child benefits. France is known as a socialist government that claims ‘universality’ for all, but apparently this is in danger of changing. The policy changes are based on yearly earnings and could cause a larger divide between the rich and the poor. The changes are causing so much commotion because of France’s socialist state. The policy changes don’t reflect the government, so it is drawing a lot of criticism. As with other socialist governments (like the UK), changes are being made that appear more capitalist, but are most likely happening due to the economic crisis that much of Europe is experiencing.


1. “Nigeria: 'Girl bomber' kills 19 people in Maiduguri market.” BBC News Africa. 10 Jan. 2015. Web.
This article focuses on the latest bombing by what appears to be a terrorist act by Boko Haram, the terrorist group operating in Northeast Nigeria. The latest bombing occurred at a busy market and killed many people. The most shocking fact is that it was a young girl of about 10 years old. The article explains that Boko Haram has been using young girls to carry out attacks because they are less suspicious. The article goes on to mention other recent attacks by Boko Haram as they try to expand their territory. The conflict with Boko Haram has been long-going, and the Nigerian military has had difficulty containing the terrorism, especially with new developments like these bombings involving young girls. It is just another piece lending to the violent unrest still present in Nigeria between the Islamic state of Boko Haram and anyone who supports Westernization.
2. Ross, Will. “Nigeria schools walk line between Islamic and Western traditions.” BBC News Africa. 1
June 2014. Web.
This article tackles the immense pressure that cities in Northern Nigeria face regarding education for its youth. With the continual presence of Boko Haram and its violence putting pressure on the school systems, many northern Nigerian schools cannot offer the proper education to its students. The article mentions that there has been recent peace in the area, and that this peace affords the system some time to change to more progressive methods, something that the students want (according to brief interviews done by Will Ross), but still there is too much fear for anything drastic to change. The article is a nice expose on a school system caught in the crossfire of a terrorist agenda. Because of its location in northern Nigeria where a large population is Islamic and the Boko Haram presence is strong, there is little immediate hope for the children; however, the writer is hopeful.
3. “Nigeria's Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau in profile.” BBC News Africa. 9 May 2014. Web.
This article profiles the leader of Boko Haram, Abubakar Shekau. The article attempts to bring some understanding to the violent leader of Boko Haram over the past 5 years. He is Nigeria’s most wanted man, and he is on the world’s radar because of his violence and brazen attacks, including the kidnapping of 200 school girls. The article also delves into the death of the past leader, Muhammad Yusuf, and what changes Boko Haram has seen since his death. Although the profile is quite detailed and thorough, it paints the portrait of this leader as no more than an ideological terrorist. There are quotes of the leader that further portray him as a crazy man in charge of all the violence and strife occurring in northern Nigeria.

Hong Kong:

1. Sudworth, John. “Hong Kong protest camps: Who is still on the streets?” BBC News China. 10 Dec.
2014. Web.
This article profiles several of the last remaining Hong Kong protesters. These final protesters vary in ages from teenagers to senior citizens, but they all fight for one thing: Democracy. The article focuses on each protester and offers a few quotes all of which are hopeful and inspiring regardless of the fact that the interviews were conducted the day before the main protest camp was cleared out. Because of Hong Kong’s interesting place in China’s history, the protesters were quite successful in their fight for democracy as opposed to other parts of China who are still under communist rule. Conversely, Hong Kong, once under British rule, had seen the fruits of democracy and fought (nonviolently) for those rights to continue. However, if China were to acknowledge them, it would weaken the communist rule it has over the rest of the country.
2. “Hong Kong reforms: Li Ka-shing urges lawmakers to act.” BBC News China. 10 Jan. 2015. Web.
This article focused on Hong Kong’s richest man, Li Ka-shing, who is urging lawmakers to pass reforms that will establish a new election process in the Hong Kong territory. The reforms are controversial, as pro-democracy supporters say the reforms will only provide a fake democracy. However, there are others who see the reforms as a positive step, and Li Ka-shing foresees dire consequences if the reforms are not passed. He feels that the old system will make big losers out of the entire Hong Kong people, but the pro-democracy supporters say that Beijing is being too restrictive by getting to choose who runs. This debate just goes to show how murky the China-Hong Kong issue still is. There are concessions, but China continues its attempts to rule Hong Kong amidst the protests and its changing state.
3. Liu, Juliana. “Hong Kong protests: Did China go back on its promises?” BBC News China. 2 Oct. 2014.


This article examines the dispute about whether Beijing has violated its promises to Hong Kong. They have offered a reform for Hong Kong to carry out elections, a promise it has made for decades after the UK gave Hong Kong back to China. Still, the protesters feel that Beijing has broken promises by restricting the elections, but there is some uncertainly as to whether any laws were broken. Beijing has followed through with its promise to allow elections, but the method they are presenting is less than what the protesters were hoping and asking for. This issue is characteristic of China’s communist regime and limiting democracy through its policy making.


1. “Cuba releases dozens of opposition activists.” BBC News Latin America. 9 Jan. 2015. Web.
This article focuses on the release of 36 activists from prison in Cuba. This was in response to mending diplomatic relationships between Cuba and the U.S., a long-standing conflict stemming from the Cold War. But now, after Obama called for better diplomacy between the two countries. Since then, there have been many new developments as the U.S. and Cuba try to forge a new relationship. The article goes further to describe what has happened since this agreement, and what will happen. In Cuba, more activists have sprung up, some to further imprisonment until the U.S. stepped in once again. Overall, the steps appear to be in a positive direction, and the new relationship should be beneficial for both countries, regardless of whether democracy or communism is the governing force.
2. Grant, Will. “Cuba hopes for Washington's full embrace.” BBC News Latin America. 31 Dec. 2014.
This article examines the big decision for Cuba and the U.S. to reestablish diplomacy. The decision was made on December 17th, and this article discusses the fall out of such a decision. He provides the reader with background of the situation, about the embargo and the tension between the two countries, but his main focus is what the future holds, not only for the U.S., but for Cuba. The sanctions and such have had a huge economic impact on Cuba, a small island whose closest export/import neighbor is the U.S. Now, with more open borders, tourism can flourish which would be extremely helpful for the Cuban people. The new diplomacy is a big step because it is one of the longest standing disputes, and with it ending, more global peace can be achieved.
3. Shifter, Michael. “Viewpoint: Obama secures legacy with Cuba policy shift.” BBC News US and Canada.
18 Dec. 2014.
This article comes a day after Obama spoke on the changing international relationship between Cuba and the U.S. The reporter states that Obama “secured his legacy” with Latin America, as they have been waiting to hear the good news for decades. The article goes on to explain what Obama’s speech and policy change would mean to the Cuban people, and the move was a huge step from Obama’s initial policy change to lift travel restrictions that the Bush administration put into place. This decision by Obama is extremely forward thinking and because it is such a huge move, it has brought much relief to the Cuban people while drawing much criticism from certain parts of America. The article goes in depth into what Cuba has been dealing with over the past few decades and what this policy change could mean for them, both economically and politically. It appears to be opening many doors and Obama is celebrated for this by the Cuban people.

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